Get Right to the Point
Steve Woodruff
The elevator pitch is dead - let's get to the point with your Memory Dart! I'll show you how to introduce yourself and your business with outstanding clarity. #ClarityWins #ConfusionLoses
Why do you and I need to get right to the point, in all of our professional communications?
It’s brain science, actually. The human brain craves simple, direct clarity. Not confusion. Not ambiguity. Not TMI. Clarity.
Every human brain has a gatekeeper, a marvelous biological filtering mechanism called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). And the RAS wants one thing, very quickly – a clear signal. Immediate relevance. THE POINT.
This is why our attention quickly wanders away from a purpose-less meeting, a jargon-filled resume, a boring sales presentation, or a droning virtual class.
It’s a noisy, distracting world. If we don’t gain attention by engaging the Reticular Activating System in the first few moments, we lose – plain and simple. That’s why ALL communication skills MUST start at the very beginning point – getting through the RAS and earning that scarcest commodity of all, attention.
Increasingly, the art of getting to the point with clarity will be one of your most important professional skills.
How to get to the point – and how to get your point across – is the main theme of my Clarity workshops. If you’re in Sales, Marketing, Leadership, Training, or any other discipline, the Clarity Formula is for you. Many of my corporate clients incorporate Clarity workshops into on-boarding or professional development curricula, because better communication means more effective collaboration...and we all need to succeed in complex team environments.
Steve Woodruff is the author of the business book Clarity Wins. He conducts virtual and live workshops and offers on-line resources for learning how to apply the Clarity Formula to your professional life. Contact Steve here.
"Clarity Wins is a strategic brand communications guide for anyone or any business looking to connect on a more focused, more meaningful (read: more profitable) level. Steve Woodruff’...purges bloated business jargon and noise helping the reader create a concise, actionable message (branding, positioning, sales, marketing, etc.) that can be heard, and best of all, understood. Take the time to absorb this book. I have it, dog-eared beyond recognition, on my desk at all times. It’s a fantastic guide and learning tool for anyone wanting to be heard." (Amazon review)