Get Rid of Your Fear of Video Marketing Once and For All
Lori Young
Helping holistic wellness brands grow their business online with strategic business, marketing and operational support | Creating a Healthier World | Certified Master Marketer | Certified Online Business Manager
A few weeks ago I was whining to my social media VA, Katie, about how difficult it is to create engagement on social media these days. Social media channels are busy and filled with content from millions of people. It’s hard to cut through the noise and get noticed. Yet, as online business owners, social media marketing is almost impossible to avoid.
Knowing that I wanted ideas from her, Katie listened and empathized with me. Then she told me what I already knew, but wasn’t ready to hear. She said “Lori, I think people need to get to know the real you behind the business. Not just the business owner, but the “person” that you are. I think you need to do videos!”
I’ll admit my initial reaction was “I don’t like you anymore, Katie!” All kidding aside, the fear and resistance kicked in but I knew she was 100% right. It’s one thing for me to share a piece of myself through my writing. But it’s a whole different level to show my face to the world and let people “see” me, inside and out.
I know I’m not alone in this feeling because I have many clients who have shared their fears. They cringe when I mention doing video marketing. It’s certainly not for everyone, but it is certainly one of the most popular ways people engage on the internet. And it’s a fairly easy way for people to experience you and get to know you on a different level.
Of course, you can go to in-person networking events (and you should) but what if you want to reach the world? Are you going to travel all around the world to various networking events so that people can get a feel for who you are?
People want to do business with people. They want to know you. And video/audio marketing is the easiest way for people to “feel,” “experience,” and get to know the “real” you. If you let them in.
So let’s talk about the fears that come up and ways to overcome them:
FEAR #1: I hate the way I look or sound.
I hear this fear all the time. I even did a funny test video for my tech VA, Amy. It was titled “Ghastly!” I told the story of how my mom would look in the mirror and when she didn’t like how she looked, she would dramatically say “Oh, I look ghastly!” But here’s the deal. Aside from getting plastic surgery, losing 20 pounds, or some other drastic measure, you look how you look and sound how you sound. This fear is really about accepting yourself for who you are.
We are all imperfect human beings. Most people are just average looking people with wrinkles, a few extra pounds, dark circles under the eyes from not sleeping, freckles they hate, or bad hair that won’t cooperate. Embrace yourself with love. You are more than how you look or sound. You have a personality. You have character. You have values. You have a mission. And bottom line, you are you. If people can’t see past how you look or sound, then so be it. It’s not about you.
FEAR #2: People will judge me.
You are 100% correct. SOME people will judge you. Judgment is natural for most human beings. However, SOME people will not judge you. Others will think you are brave for doing videos. Some will resonate with your message and judgment won’t even enter the picture. Remember, judgment is about the other person. I always remember what I learned from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book “The Four Agreements.” Don’t take things personally. Everything that someone else says or thinks about you is about them.
People see other people from their lens – the compilation of stories, experiences, and beliefs that have shaped who they are. Some people will resonate with you because of shared perspectives while others will not. Human beings respond and react in different ways, and none of it is about you. Even if someone makes a negative comment, approach it with curiosity. I wonder what’s going on with that person to make them react the way they did. Judgment, in my opinion, is an opportunity to step more fully into who you are and what you believe.
FEAR #3: I don't have time or money to create professional videos.
Neither do I. If you compare yourself to all the business owners out there doing professional videos, you will never take action. If I am honest, I see all sorts of videos on the internet. Some are obviously professionally shot and “perfect,” while others are natural, unscripted, and shot without a professional videographer.
Personally, I prefer a more natural approach. I like people who are vulnerable and willing to show their imperfections. When I decided to launch my video series “Open Book Moment,” I vowed I would take imperfect action. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get hung up on writing a script, looking and speaking perfectly, or spending hours trying to perfect my videos. I know myself well enough that I would abandon the project if I did.
I did the basics. I bought an iPhone tripod. I paid a freelancer $15 on Fiverr for a professional intro and outro. And then I just started recording. I formulated the basics of what I wanted to say in my head. I did a few test runs to get the hang of it. I literally spent no more than 20-30 minutes recording my first two short videos.
FEAR #4: I don't know what to talk about.
This was a major stumbling block for me in the beginning. I write a weekly blog. I prepare content for daily social media tips. What more can I possibly talk about? Here’s the thing. You should spend some time thinking about the overall theme of your videos. What do you want your videos to be about? What do you enjoy talking about? What does your target market want to learn or hear? Take a bit of time to brainstorm topics and jot them down. I promise you that content ideas will come to you. I keep a spreadsheet of video ideas. When something happens in my life or business that I think is share-worthy, I store it in my spreadsheet. Inspiration is all around you if you stay open to it.
Another way to overcome the fear of not knowing what to talk about is to keep your videos short. Anyone can do a two- to five-minute video, right? And who has time to watch long videos anyway? As my tech VA said to me, “You know me and videos. If I see a video longer than three minutes, I run! Nooooooooooo!” I’m kind of in the same camp. For me, it needs to be less than 10 minutes. Not only do I not have time, I don’t have the attention span. And most people today, I’m guessing, are fairly similar.
FEAR #5: People don't want to listen to me talk. Who the hell am I anyway?
Oh, the imposter syndrome will get us every time. You could be filled with lots of great ideas and expertise, but you don’t believe you have anything worthy of sharing. The fact is you do have content worth sharing. Only you have lived the life you have. You have experienced life through your lens and have perspectives that others need to hear. You have learned lessons throughout your life that others need to learn. Only you can share your story. Not one person has lived the same exact story as you.
Sometimes I get caught up in comparing myself to other business owners sharing their expertise. Normally it’s the super successful ones that trip me up. But here’s the deal. Behind that expert is a real human being. Someone who has tripped, failed, cried, picked themselves up, and learned a lesson. If this “expert” has a big following, it’s probably because they have shared their story with authenticity. They have touched the hearts of their tribe. They have shared their experiences and stories so others can learn from them.
People love stories. As human beings, we want to believe that our goals and dreams are possible. When we see someone else achieving what we want, it inspires us. When we hear stories about lessons others have learned, we learn too. I am a firm believer that we are all here to learn from one another, grow, and be connected to humanity.
You have a story. You have learned lessons. You have the expertise you have gained from experience. You are not going to resonate with everyone. But you will absolutely touch the people that need to hear your message. You will build a tribe of people that love you, want to hear your message, and will follow you for as long as they need to. It may be a small tribe, or it may be a big tribe. It doesn’t matter. Share with an attitude of service and you can’t go wrong.
Take the Nike approach and Just Do It!
I had all these fears when I decided to finally use videos to let people into my world. And I still wrestle with all of this in my mind. However, I am not going to let it stop me from being seen in this world. I have a mission and so do you.
I am proud to announce that my brand new video series, “Open Book Moment,” is launching October 4th, 2019. If you want to hear my story, lessons, and perspectives on entrepreneurial life, or get tips on business growth strategies, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. You will be notified of new episodes that come out. Please, don’t judge! :0)
And one more thought: If you have none of these fears and videos just don’t resonate with you, then by all means, don’t do them. Share your message in whatever way you feel comfortable, but please do share your gifts with the world.
Lori Young is a certified online business manager, certified coach, and the founder of Amazing OBM. She and her team love helping heart-centered entrepreneurs grow their business and spread their message through content marketing and streamlined operations.
Financial Services Operations Pro | Operations Strategist | Workflow Specialist
5 年I have a problem with how I look and what to say. So I'm working on this. I won’t start with live yet but will make my challenge to do recordings till I get my footings.????♀?