Get rid of Calluses at Home – Fab2U
Not all people know it but calluses are not only found on your feet but also on your hands.
Yeah, the dirty has struck the hands too, but no need to worry about those if you’re not into using tools like, gardening tools, mechanical tools, or music instruments also.
No one likes calluses, be it on your feet or on your hands which are why you take at least one trip to the salon in a month to get a manicure & a pedicure and get rid of them. You spend hundreds of rupees, your hard earned money on those half an hour basic treatments which you can easily perform at home and with almost 80% less cost.
Now that summer is finally here it is time to bring out those sexy sandals and stripped & lacy shoes and take an occasional walk on the beach, but not until you get your feet back to being beautiful by removing those calluses and why not also attend to those hands too a little while we take care of the feet.
Here are some methods by which you can learn and remove calluses at home:-
1. The Standard Procedure
· First, get some water in a tub that is big & deep enough to soak your feet in up till the ankles. The water should be hot enough but not so much that it hurts your feet.
· Mix some white salt (natural sea salt would be better) along with some shampoo in the tub.
· Put your feet in and let it stay for 8-10 minutes in the water mix.
· Pull out your feet and light dry with a towel.
· Scrub on the calluses with a pumice stone or a foot file.
· After scrubbing, put some oil-based cream on the nails and toe tips and let rest in the hot water for 3-5 minutes.
· Pull out the feet and remove the cream with fingers and remove the dead skin off the nails with the tip of a metal nail filer.
· Scrub on the calluses again.
· Put feet in the warm water to remove the residues of the calluses.
· Pull your feet out and wipe with a towel.
· Put some oil-based cream on your feet and dab with the towel.
· Put some nail polish on and your feet are as good as new.
2. Home Remedies
i) You can crush 5-6 aspirins and mix them with a teaspoon of lemon juice and some water to make the mix in form of a mix. Cover your calluses with it and wrap it with a warm towel and seal your feet along with the towel with a plastic bag and let it rest for 10 minutes. You can then uncover your feet and scrub the feet with a pumice stone and wash it off with warm water. Your feet will be callus free.
ii) Soak some baking soda in warm water in the ratio of 3:1 respectively. Apply and scrub it on the calluses on your feet and fingers and elbow, etc… and massage it nicely. Now, let it rest for 5-6 minutes and then wash it off. It will help heal the dead skin and remove calluses easily.
iii) Put a pineapple peel to a good use by using it to scrub on the calluses on both hand & feet and you can use it on your elbow too. Put a piece of pineapple skin on the affected area and wrap it around with a clean cloth. Do it every night for a week and no one will ever know if you even had calluses.
3. Try on Products
i) Change your footwear preference from high heels to flat sandals because it does not stress out your feet resulting in relaxed feet and no calluses.
ii) If it’s mandatory to wear heels then try putting some medical foot pads on the heel section so that your feet is comforted at all times.
4. Natural Remedies – you know what’s a good solution to remove calluses naturally?... a walk on the Beach.
The natural salt water of the sea when combined with the warm rays of the Sun makes a perfect combination for a natural manicure-pedicure regime. The water helps with the calluses and the sand floating in the water works as a natural scrub for removing dead skin.
A walk on the beach and free mani-pedi.
What else do you need to be the happiest…except for chocolate of course!
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Happy Caring!
Roma Singhal