Get rid of all problems now!
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
When was the last time you did not have any problems in your life? Have you considered if having a problem good or bad?
Let's first understand what a problem is.
According to famous author Joseph O'Connor, it's the difference between what we have and what we want. From our childhood, most of us we have seen our elders and families struggle to get a life they desire.
We compare our lives to others around us. We don't have what others do. We believe that the grass is green on the other side. Our meaning of prosperity and abundance gets defined at a very early age and because we don't have a lot of control on what we can do about it, it creates an unconscious dissatisfaction.
This results in a constant feeling of lack of prosperity and abundance in our life. We want more of what we don't need or have.
During our younger years, we don't have a lot of control. However, when we get older, we start earning and focusing on bringing all the things we think we need for prosperity. As we get more things, our desires increase and with it, the gap between what we want and what we also increases. Moreover, with the constant media and advertising campaigns, we are never satisfied with what we have.
Problems are our manifestation. We create them because of our unfulfilled needs and desires. They make space in our mind so that we keep thinking about it. They become a living entity and stop us from growing.
Assuming that today was the last day of your life, which desire or unmet need would you prioritise above everything else?
What if we could focus on what we have? How much time would you have if you spent thinking about the next goal, the next target, instead of your problems?
Problems exist in our conscious awareness and reduce our creative capacities. You will realise that problems go away if you start thinking about what you have, what you can do and your past success.
If you can't control or influence a result, it's not worth your time. Remember that a problem exists only till the time you don't take any action on it. Once you take steps to deal with it, the problem becomes a learning experience. It becomes a stepping stone for your success.
Self-Reflection Tips