Get Rich Quick Schemes (Property Training) Can it continue????
After watching the programme tonight about Samuel Leeds, his company Property Investors, his selling techniques and the sad death of Danny Butcher who was trying to get a refund I can’t see how action won’t be taken across the whole ‘get rich quick’ industry.
The one main point for me was the conflicting reports with regards the company and the deceased relationship in the days before his death, was he happy and carrying on or was he in the process of getting a partial refund?
What a lot of people involved on the fringes of the industry DO know, but are scared to say, is that there is a hierarchy and in effect a puppet master at the top and regular (now) secret group meetings, step out of line or oppose the regime and quite simply you’ll be cast aside. I know quite prominent business figures who have lambasted ‘the establishment’ to me but then months later I see them at dinners, nights out in London and offering to host at house parties to gain access to this millionaire trainer club they apparently stood against ??, and to be honest if you’ve ever met any of these figures they are literally all the same in personality. We’re not talking small numbers, these guys together have millions of minions across numerous social platforms willing to fight for them online, batter down anyone who is willing to oppose, write bad reviews or try to challenge, if your asking yourself the classic question ‘how has this been allowed to go on so long’ now you know!
An interesting few weeks/months are upon us in the get rich quick and property training sector as I believe this is not the last trainer ‘reveal’ of tactics. I just hope one of these people making money and fame from supposedly exposing these people has the balls to go the full hog with what they know as holding back has now become immoral, you know who you are............... Tick Tock Tick Tock ??