GET READY FOR A REAL WAR SOON. A spiritual war has begun.
The dummy Craps are doing everything they can to get rid of Trump. They know if they don’t, they will surely lose in 2020. I truly believe there would be a civil war. Why are the republicans just sitting around and not starting to investigate the democraps. I believe there would be millions of protesters in DC, demanding the removal of Pelosi, Nadler, and the peach head. In 2021 we would enter into a major depression and then worldwide. This is what the deep State wants, total control of you. Better wake up and get ready to fight. Support Trump so we can have a great future. The majority of people want Trump.
We are on Earth now, we have been for a while protecting Trump. He will win in 2020, and the swamp of demons are crawling out of their crap hole now knowing they can'not win. Angles have been visiting Trump for the last few months, be listining to the news, you will hear about it very soon. Welcome to the End of Days.