In today’s world, our?mobile phones?have become just like our limbs. We are on our phones all the?time. Be it while waking up, using the toilet, while relaxing, eating meals, before sleeping and the list?goes on. It is impossible for us to spend even a day without our?mobile phones. We get stressed and anxious if we leave our phone somewhere else for a few minutes, don’t we? Researches indicate that?young individual spends about 4-5 hours per day on their phones. More studies on this topic show?that people nowadays even have a no-phone phobia!

We need to ask ourselves a serious question that, rather than being a master of technology, are we?being its slaves? Well, it is rightly said that, “Technology is a good servant but a bad master”. And?that being the case, it is high time that we learn how to effectively master the technology again! But?before we get into that, let’s examine why phone addiction is bad for us?

Why should we cut short using our smartphones??

Phones largely interfere with our physical and mental health. The blue light emitted by our?mobile phones addiction?are harmful for our eyes. The same blue light suppresses the melatonin (sleep hormone)?production which makes us sleep deprived. Vibrations and heat released from our phones have?negative effects on the functioning of our body. Phones are also known to hamper our productivity?and deform our posture, since we bend our necks to look into our phones the entire day! Our?memory and concentration is also decreased due to constant usage of phones. In conclusion, the?phones have degraded the quality of our lives.

Popular studies suggest that more than half percentage of teen population is suffering from body?dysmorphia, low self-esteem, inferiority complexes, and serious?mental health?disorders like depression, anxiety, etc. due to excessive use of social media. This is a real cause of concern and we?should take necessary steps to make people aware about these adversities and help them get rid of?this addiction.

The solution is not to get rid of our cell phones completely but to use them wisely and sensibly. And?here are 4 ways to do so:

  1. Find an alternative:?

Replacing a bad habit with a good habit is the best thing you can ever do. Most of us use?mobile phones in the morning right after waking up and the reason behind this could be?setting up an alarm on the phone. In this situation, we can replace our phones with an alarm?clock. Similarly, we can develop a reading habit before going to bed every night or carry a?magazine or a book with us to the toilet instead of a mobile phone. The trick is to provide a spur?to our mind to shun a bad habit. We just need to get creative and find a new hobby so that?we automatically lose interest in our phones.

  1. Create some resistance:??

We can use many ways to create a resistance and trick our minds into not using our phones more often. A mobile phone setting like greyscale turns off the colour of the phone screen?altogether. Humans are highly sensitive and attracted to colour but a black and white?phone screen looks dull and uninteresting to our eyes and as a result, we will not feel like?using our phones for a prolonged period.

We can even create a resistance by setting long passwords to unlock our phones. Doing so?will give us a push back whenever we try to reach out for it. Another trick is to switch off the?phone while trying to be productive. Reaching out for the phone during the task will only?remind you to not to use the phone.

  1. Cut the usage deliberately:?

More the number of applications we have on your phone, more distracted we will get. So?either delete unnecessary apps or turn off their notifications completely. This will help us?structure our time as per our requirement to use the apps than the apps requiring us to use?them. We can also try to be without our phones at times, like while buying groceries, eating,?roaming around or during a workout. In this way, we’ll be able to escape the virtual world?more often and experience the real world.

  1. Keep reminding yourself:?

How often do you live up to your resolutions? Many a times we accept a challenge and then?forget about it in a few days. So constant reminders are extremely important to get rid of?such addiction forever. We should start by tracking our usage because the things that can be?tracked can also be easily monitored. There are various apps available on both apple and?android phones for this specific purpose. Tracking our time spent on the?Mobile Phone Addiction?can be an?eye opener. Doing so will give us a goal to work on. We can even associate our weekly usage?with a reward. This will keep us motivated to stay on track.

Keeping a wallpaper on our phone or setting a timer as reminders can also prove to be?helpful.

In conclusion:?

Any kind of addiction is dangerous?for our health, be it the addiction of sugar, alcohol, smoking,?sleep, caffeine, our phones, or negative emotions or even a person. Addictions are always bad and?they have an adverse effect on our body. Therefore, it is necessary to get over the addiction to live a?happy, addiction free life.



