Get over it!!
While it has never been and will never be my intention to offend anyone – if they are offended by what I say or do – that is their issue, not mine.
Offence is taken, not given. People can only be offended if they allow themselves to be so. We all have the option of not taking offence if we choose to.
There is nothing you can say that will offend me. Try, if you like. I choose not to take offence at what anyone says to or about me.?
While taking offence is often viewed as the last word in a debate, it is more correctly a phrase uttered by the intellectually bereft, emotionally fragile or those lacking an understanding of debating issues.
While I do not support chants by protesters suggesting that Palestine should occupy the area ‘from the river to the sea’ – to take offence rather than argue against this proposition is irrational. I despise racism, and antisemitism is a form of racism, but no-one taking offence will change anything.?The idea will remain. And?such is the case with most controversial arguments.
Never try to offend anyone – but never let this quest prevent you from sharing ideas and points of view.?Reject those ideas by way of intellectual debate, not emotional responses.
D. John Carlson.
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10 个月I am offended that you are offended! ??