Get outta your head!
Eric Watts, Sr.
Dynamic Leadership Coach | F.I.R.E. Starter | Empowering Speaker | Visionary Business Consultant | Connected Grandview (CG!) Chapter Leader
This is Eric writing to you.
You might be like me...I’m a thinker. Someone who, sometimes -- too many times -- lives in my head.
If you’re like me in this way, even juuuust a lil’ bit, you already know that we say a lot of the wrong things in our heads. Don’t we?
We rehearse our fears, our doubts, how it ain’t gon’ work, how it ain’t worked so far, and how it'll never work. Never ever never.
I’m gonna tell you a secret….you need to get out of your head. When I took an acting class, taught by my brother Chad Willett, I struggled, because I was in my head all the time.
Chad had to tell me over and over again, Eric, you gotta get outta your head!
See, I was thinking too much about what’s right, how to get it right, how to say my lines right, anticipating my partner's lines, etc., as opposed to just hitting it, like BAM!
I struggled like crazy to get outta my head. Shoot, I still do! I even had to confess this to my wife the other morning.
Of course, she already knows this about me, but I really felt a strong urge to tell her exactly what I was struggling with.
I said, Babe, I’m struggling with some business / work-related things, and I think that if I tell them to you, it’ll help me to break free of them. She said, Ok, I’m listening.
Here’s what I said to her...I’m afraid that no one will come to my webinars or trainings.
I’m afraid that no one wants any of my coaching packages, prophetic counseling, or anything else that I create or do to help people achieve life-transforming breakthroughs in their lives.
I’m afraid that I’ll never sell another thing, that no one will ever pay me again for the services that I provide for them.
I’m afraid that I’m not really helping people. I’m afraid that I don’t know what I’m doing.
I'm afraid that no one will book any more calls with me.
She said, Thanks for sharing that with me, baby. Now, those are all lies and you know it.
She was right. She is right. After that, she prayed over me and spoke life into me.
Let me tell you something...I had an awesome day after that. I felt seen. I was encouraged. I was super, extra motivated!
And it was all because I decided to get outta my head. I had to say out loud exactly what I was struggling with and battling internally. Alone. Then, I had to take action!
And let me tell you, that kind of struggle and battle (like most that you do alone), is a losing one.
So, let me ask you a question...are you having trouble getting out of your head? Do you need to make a clean break from all the junk, funk, and mess that you’re telling yourself?
You already know the answers to those questions. You know that you need to just hit it, like BAM!
And get outta your head!
If you’re willing to get outta your head with me, I’m willing to do for you what my wife did for me...listen to you, pray over you, challenge you, and encourage you.
Shoot, we'll also probably come up with at least one thing that you can do to help you get further ahead than where you are right now.
Just click here to schedule your 15-minute Get Outta Your Head session with me.
Speaking Life Into Your Existence,