Get out of your Own Way & Get Results

Get out of your Own Way & Get Results

Over my years in the fitness and coaching industry (as well as life in general) my moods have been up, they have been down. I have tried workouts, got bored and tried something else. Struggled with low self esteem and anxiety. I have been in shape, out of shape and all bits in between. Simply put; I am a professional at self- sabotage.

So why am I telling you this? 

Simple. Like you; I am human.

Just the girl next door who had a dream to help people in a bigger way.

The 6 pillars was born from my own experiences of having anxiety and depression, creating a business whilst still having a full time job and going through life with obstacles bigger than I could have ever dreamt of.

Part of me; like many others, is a workaholic. 

I love learning and developing, challenging myself and above all creating things that can help solve problems.

My self -sabotage?

Overworking, lacking confidence and putting myself last.

The cycle through my life until now looks a little like this:

I achieve. Seek External Praise. Part of me does not feel I am good enough for that praise or I don’t get what part of me expected. Beat myself up by adding more work until I burnout. Lack Confidence because in my eyes I failed. Wait for someone to save me. Try again.

After becoming conscious of this cycle I have been able to understand my triggers and let go of the stories that my ego had become so accustomed to.

The 6 pillars allow me to stop. Breathe. Reduce the self-sabotaging cycle to Get out of My Own Way and have everything that I have dreamed of. 

The confidence, the body and the lifestyle easier than I could have ever imagined without the stress.

The answers lye within you.

My job is to shine the light so that you can see the path to your internal freedom too.


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