Get out of your own way
Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

Get out of your own way

How often are you the barrier that’s stopping you living the life you want to, making the change you want to, doing the thing you want to, actioning the thing that will get you closer to where you want to be? I’ve certainly been there!

So how do we get out of our own way? Noone else will move us out of the way. We have to move ourselves. 

We often make a million excuses as to why we can’t do something but often that not, these aren’t true. We are the reason we’re not moving forward. The excuses are just easier to use than admit it’s us.

Here’s a little exercise for you to try when it comes to excuses:

  1. Write a list of the excuses you use 
  2. Next, opposite or below them, write an alternative that dismisses or reframes the excuse.

For example;


I don’t have the financial means to do it


What free tools/courses/software are there that I could use to start/take the first step?

Also ask yourself these questions…

  • What am I achieving by not doing it / going for it / actioning it?
  • Where will I be in 12 months if I don’t do it? Am I okay with that?
  • How will I feel if I continue not to do it?
  • What are the positives/benefits of going for it?
  • What would I say to a friend in my position?
  • Who do I know that has been there and how have they done it?
  • What do I need to do to stop being my own barrier going forward?
  • Who can support me?

Whatever it is that you’re stopping yourself from doing, I encourage you to take the first step, however small it is. It might feel scary (trust me it’s never as scary as it initially feels), but I’m pretty sure once you’ve done it you’ll be glad you did and it’ll be the best step you ever took.

We often stop ourselves based out of fear. The things we THINK will happen. The reality is usually very different. So tear up the list of the things that could go wrong and think about all the things that could go right!

I’ll be cheerleading from the sidelines!


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