Get out of your own way
If you want to be an effective leader, get out of your own way. If you want to be an effective team, get out of your own way. If you want to be happy, get out of your own way.
This is a practice in harmony, trust and humility as well as a sign of these.
It may help to explore the following:
we are not an intelligent species. Not particularly.
In fact nothing is intelligent.
If you get this, you may find comfort and awe like I did.
This is what I propose, and I propose this from experience.
My mind is not intelligent. Yours neither. If our minds were truly intelligent, the concept of overthinking would not exist, bias would not exist, anxiety would not exist. For our minds to show signs of intelligence, we have to frame and follow processes. The fact that minds can do that doesn't not prove their intelligence, but that they have access to intelligence.
The proposal is that we are swimming in vast intelligence.
Most of us are unaware of this because our contented view of the world is through the lense of our minds. Therefore, we think it's the mind that is intelligent.
This is huge.
Think about this; if your mind was a little different, the letters here would not make any sense. You would not see patterns, you would not read words, and you would not make meaning. But the meaning you make is just that. Someone else will make another meaning.
This is very inspiring to me, extremely comforting and very harmonizing.
Nothing is intelligent. No thing is intelligent. Or, intelligence is not a thing.
Instead, we are a product of intelligence, the whole world is. Therefore, to be one with emergence, to be one with harmony and one with Intelligence, the mind needs to be used correctly. Some things are just not it's domain. This is the truest meaning of the saying " get out of your own way".
Infinite intelligence, is constantly taking care of everything, including the mind and body. It's taken the shape of what we call life. This emergence and intelligence, is in everything, and everything is in it. When we worry, we are focusing our attention on a specific point of the vast possibilities that we know we cannot control with the mind.
To be effective leaders is the same as being effective people. It is about knowing what is ours, and what's not. This can have the potential to heal us and our interactions on many levels. It is knowing who we are and who we are not.
We gotta master the basics before expecting harmonious growth.
The basics are :
Who we are.
What is the mind?
How does the world work?
The basics are found through introspection.
What I have found is that my mind is not intelligent, but it can learn to act in intelligent ways. It can learn to recognize itself and it's motives. So going to the root of my inquiry asks: If I'm witnessing the mind's dance... Who am I?
This is the most beautiful and rewarding question. It is essential to how I live, work and coach. It can be your inquiry too. A practice of acceptance that can lead to emergent leadership and way of life.
We are a microcosm of the macrocosm. Introspection is ultimately both.
With that, I wish you a wonderful Saturday, where your mind rests and you enjoy Being one with immediate intelligent wonder.