Get out of your own head.
Oakley Partnership
Supporting clinicians and organisations to create authentic, inclusive spaces.
How did asking more open questions in clinic go today? Are you worried about running over, rather than just cutting to the chase with patients? Time has always been a concern for those starting out with coaching, there are many tools we can use to ensure you don’t run over. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.
Today I want to share with you the third level of listening. Yes there’s difference levels to this skill. Global listening means that you are picking up more than what is being said. From using intuition, picking up emotions and sensing signals from patients body language, you can gauge what they are thinking and feeling, and by trusting your own senses you can be extremely responsive to your patients needs.
Level 1 of listening means you are focused on yourself and not actually taking in any information from the other person.
So to our day 6 task: watch a news presenter or shadow a colleague to practice the level 3 of listening. What do you notice?