Get Out Of Your Emotions
One of the most regular sayings that I hear bounced around is when people are urged to "Get Out Of Their Emotions." Usually, it is based on decisions, thoughts, or actions based on how someone is feeling at a particular moment. In many instances, it is not centered on actual fact but by someone's interpretation based on how they feel. This becomes a potentially dangerous situation because the basis and importance of how we look at a situation while in our emotions can be flawed or foggy. We are not looking at something from a calm and relaxed perspective but a reflection based on the emotion in the moment. Now, speaking only for myself, I have never made a good decision based merely on emotion especially if the mood is less than positive. Frankly, I have made some of my worst decisions from this standpoint So, the answer towards recovering from this is to examine how and when we should make decisions and from which viewpoint. I do recognize that an emotion based on a failure can result in someone making a determination to learn and recover. However, this will only happen thru a concentrated effort in a thoughtful manner. Are we getting caught up in our emotions based on lack of Effort or is it the result of not properly Examining the best course of action from a clear rationale of facts? Today, my thoughts center on How to Get Out Of Our Emotions.
What causes Emotions to take over the decision? A few reasons immediately come to mind.
Not Prepared: We were confronted with a situation and had not fully prepared ourselves to make an informed and wise decision. This alone can cause frustration as it gives us a sense of failure. Our natural tendency is to get angry or get caught up in our emotions and this is an inward reaction. We were not equipped properly because we were not at optimal readiness. The solution is to carefully reflect on next steps, obtain the necessary information and go thru the proper due diligence to make the best possible decision. (Based on Fact) Take the emotion out of it and allow the intellect back to the center stage.
Lack of Knowledge: This can almost be tied to preparation with one differing perspective. Yes we need the facts and we need them based on the specific area required to make a good decision. Many people do not take the time to access knowledge either due to time constaints or based on an unwillingness to learn what they don't know. By not having a decent understanding, we leave things to chance and the best we have is a 50/50 chance. Those are not the best odds especially if the results have a long lasting impact.
Don't Put In Effort: To me, this is one of the more prevalent reasons that we get caught up in our emotions. We did not put in the necessary effort to increase our chances at success. We attempted to do too much in a short period of time. We over extend our commitments or gloss over the details. We look for the easiest way out. Go for the easy fix that does not require time, energy, or endurance. Here is where we set ourselves up to failure. We do not put in the necessary effort or emphasis to increase our chances of success. Slow down and take time to better understand the mechanics of what is important to know. Rather than simply phoning it in, roll your shirt sleeves up and put in some real effort.
We Are Unfocused: Now, it is also essential to place focus on what we are doing. Rather than taking steps all across the board, place a dedicated effort on one thing at a time. I have learned that I am a terrible multi-tasker. I can admit it based on my own experiences of trying to juggle multiple projects in a mediocre manner at best. I just simply cannot hang. No, I have to place my focus on finishing that which I start. By doing so, I improve my chances in my preparation, follow-thru, and execution. I am also able to see tangible results from a completed perspective rather than half done work with no end in sight.
Emotion is important yet when mis-guided, sets us up for failure. If we look at how emotion can affect us, think about those conversations you have had while angry. How many times did you regret hitting Send on the emotionally charged email. How often do we find ourselves having to say "I am Sorry" because we flew off the handle. How many innocent people were subjected to our rage and had nothing to do with it? Yes, we are human and these exchanges are going to happen. The important fact is how to minimize the number of times we find ourselves having to to re-set or re-do. Instead, try this..
Breath before Speaking
Pause and Ponder
Relax prior to Responding
Find your Calm prior to your next Communication
Cultivate Your Character Confidently
By removing the "In the Moment Emotion" from your next decision, your next steps will become the basis for a positive result. You will find that you are poised to make a better decision which places you in a better position. To be fair, this is much easier said than done. However, thru a thoughtful and mindful pursuit of an even keel manner, we come out on the other side with increased confidence, control, and cooperation. The results are worth the Effort Energy and Enthusiasm necessary to make thoughtful decisions and responses. I love the sentiment that life is 10% what happens and 90% how we respond. So, What's In Your Emotion?
Made my day!