Get Out of the Way/Get Out of Your Mind
It is said by mystics that there are two aspects within each being – a divine aspect and a limited, human one. Usually, the human aspect in particular its false little ego is dominant and acts and behaves in a selfish, self-centered manner basically seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. ?Although the human ego naturally plays a major role in each person’s development and ability to deal with life, it has its limitations big and small. The divine aspect while dormant sometimes becomes ascendant and at that time one’s little ego takes second stage.? One’s thoughts, speech and behavior become softer and kinder, and compassion, wisdom, understanding and forgiveness play a greater role.? Simply put, love plays a greater role in one’s attitude and behavior towards all of life.
The question arises about which aspect will be in control? - the master aspect - the divine, versus the servant or ego-centered aspect. Both are available and within one’s grasp. But it takes an effort to allow the divine aspect to become more prominent.? One can always know which is more prevalent by becoming aware of one’s thinking and feeling states.? One can always let go of one’s ego-centered aspect and get out of the way of one’s divine nature which is caring and loving. ?Simply relaxing the controlling body and mind, and being in a calm, quiet state is most helpful in realizing and acting from one’s divine nature. While this is apparently a simple procedure, it actually is a major endeavor and can take a lifetime to achieve.
Literally letting go of ego-control and allowing one’s divine nature to assume control.? It is that easy and yet so difficult for most.? One does not have to do too much really, just allow one’s divine nature to assume its ascendency – to guide one and influence one’s thinking, feeling and behavior. In particular, this letting go, is letting go of one’s mind and hearing and listening to the quiet voice from within. Not allowing the material mind to control everything. To listen to the mind, to hear what it is saying, but not let it be the dictating power.? One’s divine nature which is an aspect of mastery, of control, needs be in ascendant over the mind and its thoughts, ideas, and concepts that come into the mind. Our mind is thinking all of the time usually without any direction. That function needs to be contained. Quiet the mind to hear that voice that speaks to one, guiding and helping one act naturally and lovingly.
Due to our learned habits, and societies conditioning over a life time, the servant aspect and the little mind believes it is the master and continues to dictate its pleasure oriented, self-serving attitude and behavior – the self-serving mind. One needs fight against this acquired sense with all one’s strength for basically, the servant aspect is really not so nice in its thinking and acting.? It can be sensed by becoming aware of its self-serving negativity in the way one thinks, feels and acts.
?Because of its long-standing dominance, one comes to believe it is truly one’s real self, but that is a fabrication and a lie. One’s true being is one’s divine nature and one is part and parcel of God who is a loving God and who acts in conformity with that love.? All that is the opposite of that love – thinking and acting that is demeaning of others, critical and judgmental, espousing divisiveness, hatred, bigotry and prejudice – all forms of selfishness belong to this false, little ego.
When one’s divine nature is ascendant, one assumes the role of the witness, and one can let go of ego control – mind control - and allow one’s thinking, feeling and acting be in accord with one’s natural divinity.? In that state, all becomes harmonious and right. Life’s challenges and responsibilities become easier to cope with, and one feels buoyed up, present, content and happy. One views life through a more pristine, luminous lens, and all becomes the vision of love, harmony and beauty.? In truth, one’s divine nature is one’s true Being and one’s self-centered ego is one’s limited, false self. As one develops consciousness in re: to one’s divine nature, one slowly begins, little by little to function in accord with one’s divine nature. Simply put - Let go…let God!
“The whole tragedy of life is in losing sight of one's natural self, and the greatest gain in life is coming into touch with one's real self. The real self is covered by many layers of ego; those which preponderate above all others are hunger and passion, beneath these are pride and vanity. One must learn to discriminate between what is natural and what is unnatural, what is necessary and what is not necessary, what brings happiness and what brings sorrow. No doubt it is difficult for many to discriminate between right and wrong; but by standing face to face with one's ego and recognizing it as someone who is ready to make war against us, and by keeping one's strength of will as an unsheathed sword, one protects oneself from one's greatest enemy, which is one's own ego. And a time comes in life when one can say, 'My worst enemy has been within myself.' (Hazrat Inayat Khan)