Sydney Powell, Esq. "Releasing the Kracken..."


Reposting from an exchange with a high school friend...

Reposting my response to an old friend under the influence of the MSM and the American Communist Party's Group Think:

… perhaps at some point you will consider discussing this topic outside your subjective feelings and emotions. Without risking contradiction, I believe any objective reader of our back and forth will be led to the conclusion that other than your animus against Trump, you have not offered any specifics why you would support an openly corrupt candidate and his DNC that has become the current version of the American Communist Party.

Have you not heard that the State legislature in Pennsylvania has filed its resolution to recall that State's electors? Arizona's State legislature will do the same by the end of the week. Discovery depositions have been granted in Nevada (up to 15 witnesses) and will commence tomorrow or Friday. The federal district court cases are pending in Georgia and Michigan. Atty Lin Wood's case has been accepted for hearing on an expedited basis in the Federal 11th Circuit Court this week. A number of cases are being fast tracked to the USSC.

Once there, the majority of Justices will be applying the US Constitution's specific mandate that only the State Legislatures establish election laws to the facts unique to each State's handling of the Presidential election in their respective State. That means in every instance where the Governor and/or the Secretary of State have amended the rules without the Legislature's endorsement, all ballots that do not comply with the terms of the Legislature's election laws will be deemed illegal and removed from further consideration.

All of this is proceeding along (State Legislature Hearings, pending cases, etc.) as we head towards the December 14th meeting of the Electoral College. In the event that the requirements for a minimum quorum of certified electors to be present, the election will be moved to the US Congress where the House will decide the President and the Senate the Vice-President. Please note that each State will have 1 vote per State. Do the math.

The re-election of DJT is essential to the life of our Republic. If the clear and present danger of the current attempted coup d'état is not crystal clear to you, I gently suggest that you are among the overwhelming majority of Americans who are Constitutionally Illiterate. I remain open to discuss these matters as long as we can deal with the facts and the law. I will not play in the identity politics sandbox beyond a couple of attempts to reset the discussion. Blessings, my friend, whatever your choice moving forward.

Lastly, when a free people are dealing with tyrants, no middle ground exists. Hence the sacrosanct nature of the 2nd Amendment.

UPDATE 3.3.2021:

  • Looks like Constitutional Illiteracy has struck again at the highest levels of our government. State Legislatures forsake their Constitutional duties to control elections. The US Supreme Court refuses to fulfill their Constitutional duties by refusing to hear Texas v Georgia ignoring the Court's unique original jurisdiction over cases and controversies between or among States, thereby denying access to the Court for a redress of the clearly articulated and amply supported grievances. See an earlier note: Constitutional Illiteracy: A National Pandemic, published on June 21, 2016, at .


Thomas (Tom) Whitaker, Jr., Esq., CKA?的更多文章

