Get out of the rut !
You have an exam in a few days. You have to send 18 emails and so many other tasks left pending. Your 'to do list' seems to be never ending.
And to top it all, you are not feeling at your best. There is no energy in you to get up from your bed. There is an urge to retire back into your couch and shut your eyes.
The rut seems impossible to get out of. You had made big plans of being a different person and here you are not able to take one step towards becoming the person you want to.
Here are a few do’s and don’ts in moments of rut :
- Do not turn to social media for comfort. Once you start scrolling through know what happens after that don't you? You have been there.
- Do not binge eat out of boredom. This is not about eating healthy, but to avoid eating mindlessly. It will only make it harder for you to get out of the loop.
- Write down your thoughts. Scribble on a piece of paper. Just force yourself to sit down and run down your thoughts.
- When your mind feels stuck and stagnated, get your body moving. The body and the mind are one and not two different things. They are inter related.?Go for a walk, or play a sport. Get some mobility.
- Clean your space and take a shower.
- Read a book. Some times you need to rely on external sources for a spark or a change in perspective. There is this saying among readers, that the right book will find you at the right time.
The rut can be a trap out of which it will be very hard to recover if you lose your balance. It is like a storm, and as the captain ship, respect the prowess of nature, and just try to be stable.?
Read. Write. Organize. Meditate. Play a sport. Do not chase cheap dopamine.
Sanity is what will set you apart. Stick to the simple mundane things.
The game is not always about running fast. Sometimes being able to balance yourself and standing still holds greater value.
Your actions when you feel the most inactive are important. If you lose this battle to the modern world’s methods of keeping you entertained, if you turn to Instagram reels, videos on productivity on YouTube, Netflix to escape the reality of the fact that you are not ready to do your work, you are not addressing the actual issue. You are just pushing the miserable feeling to a further time. It will eventually come back at you.
Just being sane, and being stable during testing times will set you part.
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