Get Organized
Benjamin Franklin once said, "For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned."
Getting organized is a crucial step to getting fully funded this summer. I don't care if it’s a spreadsheet or a software like MPDX or TNT you need to make sure you have some tool to help you get organized. You need to have your schedule, contacts, and overall plan organized.?
Organization is going to be one of the important elements of your being successful this summer. You have to spend time because it is not just something that happens on its own. You have to spend weekly time at the beginning of the week, ideally on Sunday or Monday, where you sit down and organize all the elements of your support-raising process.
Those who are organized tend to accomplish more.
#SupportRaising #MinistryFunding #FundingTribe #45DayChallenge #FaithBasedLeadership