Get the Most Out of A Seminar
Dr. Nadeem Zaigham Ph.D.
Founder & CEO NASTAC N&S Training Advice Consultancy, Consultant & COO Be Positive Mental Healthcare Service.
Hello Everyone,
?Those who profit the most from seminars plan their approach to this learning opportunity. You, too, can get more out of the seminars you attend.
?- Before you go, talk to your boss or someone else with whom you can set goals for gaining specific new skills.
?- Prior to the seminar read a book on the topic and preview whatever materials are made available by the instructor. Arrive ready to hit the ground learning.
?- Be sure you know how to find the seminar location. Arrive thirty minutes early. Introduce yourself to the instructor and to other participants. Build a network of contacts.
?- Be an active participant. Consider the meeting room a laboratory where you will try new behaviors, take risks, and engage in self-discovery.
?- Avoid doing business during breaks. Let your office know that you won't be available to take calls.
?- Take notes and resolve to review them within twenty-four hours and then once a week until you have achieved your learning goals.
?- Connect what you learn to yourself. Don't think, "So-and-so needs to hear this." So-and-so is not at the seminar. You're there to clean up your own act.
?- Build an action plan. At each break write down those ideas that you might implement in your daily work.
?- Meet with your boss the first day back on the job. Reveal your new ideas. Ask your boss to identify which strategies should have priority, and get your boss to support your putting them into practice. Request an ongoing coaching relationship.