Get More Out of Your Life? Use This The Berean 16 Element Ultimate Life Pathway.

Get More Out of Your Life? Use This The Berean 16 Element Ultimate Life Pathway.

Give me a hi five! Nice one! Now let's talk heart to heart! Are you ready? Great.

Now listen to the bad news first! The world has been corrupted. Humans have been "colonised" and their right to get the best out of their lives has been hijacked by "The system" and those who own it. They have made sure humans do not have enough information about themselves and about life. They have flooded their schools with education on all sorts of other things but nothing much about humans themselves, life itself, and how to all humans can enjoy their best possible lives. We must wake up and fight for our liberation by redirecting our focus from their agenda to our own agenda, the human agenda that must begin with an ever-growing self knowledge, an ever-growing understanding of life and ever-growing understanding of how other humans think and how they behave.

Now there is the good news! It is never too late. We have a plan. We can liberate ourselves and change our lives. We can still achieve our own success, happiness, achievement and wellbeing. Our own success and not theirs! Here is my suggestion on how we can do it. This following sixteen element pathway is a great starting point to reclaim our lives, our happiness, our joy from them. Look at following sixteen and meditate on them. Then decide and commit to act on them. Just following the six elements and your life will change. Any one of the element has the power to make some changes in your life. Yes it is your life, not theirs.

  1. Know Your Self More and More
  2. Study and Understand Life
  3. Understand How Human Beings Think and Behave
  4. Be a Warrior, Learn to Manage Life Adversities.
  5. Manage Your Heath and ?Wellbeing.
  6. Embrace AI, the Cutting Edge and The Leading Edge
  7. Take Emotional Intelligence Seriously.
  8. Develop Self-Intelligence.
  9. Pursue Mastery in Areas of Life Important to You
  10. Discover and Integrate Your Greatness Into Your Current Life
  11. Know, Manage and Use Your Brain Better and Better
  12. Market and Promote Yourself Well
  13. Always Invest in Skills and Strategies.

14.?? Be Part of a Productive Tribe

15.?? Be Open Minded, Don’t be Rigid.

16. Use the Zombi-Moron Method

If you think seriously about the sixteen element pathways and when you begin to deeply believe in the pathway but you need help to use the pathway, no worries. Simon and his team are there to help you. We are in this war together. We are with you, whatever it takes and how long it takes.

Whatever challenge you might be facing now as long as it is not medical or spiritual and you think you need someone to talk you. Simon and his team are here for you. If you have goal that you want to achieve and you want some help. No problem. Pick up your mobile phone and Whatsapp or call +263-77-444-74-38 and we will see what we can do. We will make a plan.

To Your Greatness

To Your Greatest Success, Happiness, Achievements and Wellbeing

We will win and they will lose! We are great team. We are warriors. You and me. Together. One team joined at the hip. Give me a high five.

Nice one.

P.S. You are a winner. Winners decide, commit and act. They do. You do. You really make me proud for being a winner. Hi Five!!! Nice one!

+263-77- 444-74-38 [email protected]

?Simon Bere, 2024


Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)的更多文章

