Get more leads from B2B marketing with LinkedIn
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If you’re a small business selling to other businesses, you’ve got to get good at sales and marketing in order to grow.
I use a variety of marketing channels to bring in leads but LinkedIn marketing is really one of my top three business to business (B2B) marketing channels. I use the free version of LinkedIn to do that so the return on investment with using LinkedIn is pretty good.
You just need to invest a little time, some commitment and make it part of yours or your team’s daily habit.
You don’t need to pay for advertising to get qualified leads from LinkedIn and in this video, I’ll share how I do it for my business.
There are 5 main topics to cover, all of them are important so you can’t really pick and choose what you don’t want to do as otherwise, you’ll be wasting time not getting any results
Here goes....or head here if you prefer to watch a video
1.Your Message on your LinkedIn Profile
What is that one core message you’d like to convey on your LinkedIn banner, your headline summary and your About You section? Be very specific about that solution you're offering to other businesses, don’t try to cram in as much as you can
I see many personal LinkedIn profiles mentioning a job title, a side hustle, hobbies, the different services they offer – all in the headline summary.
Don’t do that. More really isn’t better!
And remember your LinkedIn Profile is searchable on Google and will be prominently displayed on page 1 if you’ve a complete profile, so another great reason to make sure it’s done right.
2.How do people reach you?
There are a few ways to make it easy for people to contact you on LinkedIn
Through your profile page – at the top of your profile, you can add your contact info ie a phone number, a signup page for anyone to join your list or check out your services/products. Also your About section.
Remember you need to communicate the value you bring to your audience on your profile first, so contacting you is just the next step.
If you’re offering B2B services, then use the Services section to your full advantage – here you can add your client projects, your case studies, testimonials, price guide, pitch deck if you wish.
If you’re a premium LinkedIn member, it’s a good idea to make sure your call to action is at the top of your profile page using one of the Custom buttons LinkedIn offers you
Custom buttons can be:
1) Visit your store 2) visit your website so you can send them to a signup page 3) view your portfolio 4) view your blog 5) book an appointment or 6) request services
As I’ve updated my Services section, I will use the Request Services button so that I get service requests from my connections or people from my 2nd or 3rd degree network
Another way to include a Call to Action is through your content i.e. your posts, where you insert a few sentences to describe how you help and how they can contact you, as a reminder to those reading your posts.
This can either be what I call a "LinkedIn signature" at the bottom of each post, or you weave in your call to action naturally, into your post
Same goes with your LinkedIn newsletter articles, like this one ?? By the way, these are 100% searchable on Google if you optimise them with your chosen keywords.
3.Your content and engagement
Posting content takes time and planning but if you have a content strategy in place and get help doing this so that your content marketing is consistent, you’ll start to attract the audience you want.
If you don’t like writing or designing your LinkedIn to reflect your brand and message, get someone in to help. Or message me for a content template to help you get started
Post at least 2-3x a week on topics relevant to your message on LinkedIn
Find 5-10 connections who are active on LinkedIn to like and comment, daily.
If you’re thinking of automating all of this, think again. It’s fine to use a content scheduler to schedule content ahead of time, but I wouldn’t suggest using a bot to like and comment on your connections’ post.
Trust me, we humans usually know the difference! I’m sure we’ll agree we don’t want to engage with bots. We want to engage with humans on LinkedIn
And if you’re using AI to generate your content, please make sure you sense check, inject your own personality and insights into the content.
4.Your LinkedIn outreach
This is where you target the audience (or your ideal client profiles) you want to engage with, on LinkedIn. First start by filtering your LinkedIn 2nd degree connections by location, associations, industry and job title – you can use the free version of LinkedIn for this
Then sense check the list that LinkedIn generates for you – are they good to go? If they are, simply connect with each of them using a simple 1-2 sentence connection request
Linkedin puts a cap on the number of connection requests you can have per week, so be sure to do this in small batches each week and consistently
Before you know it, you’d have built up your target audience. Just remember to respond when you receive a message back from your new connections.
You can automate this process if you wish but remember, LinkedIn doesn’t like automations so just be careful not to overdo it, else you’ll risk being suspended.
For me, I’d do my outreach manually but it’s entirely your preference. When I get a batch of people accepting my connection requests, I'd send out a thank you message introducing myself and how I help businesses.
5.Tracking your performance
After having done all of the above, you’ll want to know how you’re doing with your LinkedIn.
Questions to ask yourself:
Are you attracting new opportunities or sales conversations with your connections?
If so, what are they? A new speaking gig or a collaboration? New business? Or older connections reaching out to you because they want to buy from you when they see your stuff?
This is where LeadTracker can help you get quick answers to these important questions
What's LeadTracker?
LeadTracker is a platform and channel agnostic leads management software that helps you track, measure and analyse your lead generation activities so that you/your team will make data driven decisions on your marketing.
To find out more, click on LeadTracker and sign up for a free trial, no credit card required.
Till then, have a Merry Christmas??, Happy Hanukkah?? and whatever you'll be up to, enjoy your well deserved break!
To your lead generation success ??
#LeadTracker #B2BMarketing #startup #microbusiness #leadgeneration #Linkedinmarketing #LinkedinforBusiness