Get More from Less...Actionable Insights

Get More from Less...Actionable Insights

Note:   Read my Blogpost  - 2016 & Beyond. In My Lifetime

Elementary my Dear Watson ! That is definitely what it will not be given the rate of data explosion and complexity that is brewing up. Having said that, “Elementary” it has to be. How ? Some context (Why?) first and then we get to the How…

7B people generate in total, quintillions of bytes of data every day. This is scratching the surface of what 2020 looks like. To put this in perspective, let’s look beyond the human population – smart cities and M2M. According to CISCO there are 1.5 devices for every human, which equates to 11 billion devices today. Five years hence – 50 billion or more ! The massive hyperscale of data transactions connecting these devices and humans means gargantuan proportion of data . A scale that will require 4G and 5G.

Greater than half of the world’s population live in cities. Large cities, and in that small countries like Singapore, are on a path towards becoming “smart”. Smart homes are already happening.  Drive home, and your car tells the home thermostat via the cloud network, to set the right air conditioning temperature. Your bathroom mirror has already queued up the major events of the day. Robotic vacuum cleaner has run its programmed cleaning cycle….that is just a glimpse into sensorised possibilities inside the smart home. Add to this the devices/ sensors outside – weather gauges, crowd sensors, climate sensors, traffic/street lights, driverless cars and it’s eco-system on the roads.

Per Gartner the world handled 51.8 million terabytes of mobile data traffic in 2015. Contrast this with 2016 – 79.5 million terabytes = 53% increase in 1 year ? Wow ! Thus comes the hyperbolic world of data growth and insinuating complexity.

World in Partnerships and Leveraged Assets: So what signs are we seeing in the industry today ? How are they reacting ? Ericsson teams with Cisco. 1+1 = 3 (or 2.5) Ericsson a leader on the fringes of the network - radio, services. Cisco the leader in IP Core.  Two market leaders bringing their assets to bear . Whats driving this ? The transformation of service providers networks, seamless mobility in enterprise and IOT. Coming together provides the e2e seamless build and transformation, given the complex data consumption models outlined above.   The partnerships, M&A in the telecom space is brutal – Nokia+Alcatel, Dell+EMC+VMWare, Avago+Broadcom, Equinix+Telecity….

$406 billion in deals so far in 2015, on a path to post the highest in a year since 2000, according to research firm Dealogic. The strained network is gobbling and vomiting data at a rate that will hyperbolically reach plutonic levels by 2020.

Just one question - Customer Service/Network Assurance. What common sense can anyone make with that volume of data and complexity of the network?

It’s my belief that these unprecedented M&A/partnerships in 2015, are bringing the strengths of individual assets to bear, in a manner to unlock seamless value. Thus, enabling new business models in a war/collaboration of worlds between humans, robots, OTT and proclaimed dumb pipe.

The Sherlock Holmes type of company/product(s) of 2016 and beyond will have to Capture, Process , Correlate, Analyze to provide Actionable Insight(s) and Optimize the Network/Service. Take MORE (all) distill to LESS (few) that provide deeper broader insight = MORE !

Imagine a Very Important Person (VIP) being driven to the airport. A multi million equity transaction happening on his wirelessly connected tablet/phablet. At mile 21.2 the transaction stalls and comes back after some time, the connection still on. Meanwhile the target price moves as much in that brief period to put the VIP at a disadvantaged financial loss. To get this visibility & insights you need Radio, Core data and maybe other data sources – OSS, Customer Care , Big Data like Hadoop – End to End.

Imagine a major B2B Enterprise Customer. A large bank with offices in many towns in the country(s) (global/regional) wants dynamic thruput, sustained, predictable quality - SLAs. End of Quarter higher transactions vs start of the Quarter. More transactions on a Saturday than a Tuesday. How to get insights related to time of day, quality of the path and what web services or other services at that time ? To get to this visibility and insights you need data from L1 (Fiber) , L2, L3, L4 (Ethernet Services) and then all the way to L7 (Application Performance) to provide realistic, dynamic and elastic KPIs.

Imagine a robotic arm performing remote surgery. A doctor, the specialist from 100’s of miles away controls the robot. One glitch (latency, crash etc.,) is all it takes for a wrong incision…. Super low latency < 1msec is key. This is about 100 times faster than what the human brain registers with pain.

Viavi Solutions is the only solutions provider today with it’s breadth and depth of Visibility solutions.  Viavi is uniquely placed to provide those actionable insights with 3 dimensional visibility . End to End (e2e) ; Top to Bottom (t2b) , and Beginning to End (b2e) of a technology life cyle. Coming out of a 93 year heritage, a leader in the fiber optics market (L1) and Ethernet (L2/L3/L4) Service Activation, coupled with Network/Service Monitoring right thru to Application performance (L7), Viavi thru it’s visionary platform (VIBE) envisages that it will predict what applications will be used, for example at a soccer finals match, in which location of the stadium with what quality. Marrying location, time, content, quality, usage etc., at the edge. Would it not be wonderful to auto provision the bandwidth, a better quality path for the VIP at mile 20.2 or mobile enterprise users ?

In Asia we will be at the forefront of this data consumption, with close to 60% of the world’s population, first adopters of 5G in Japan and South Korea, Robotics at play in Japan faster than any other place in the world and VoLTE/LTE roll outs across China, India and rest of the region. We have a brilliant team of professionals in region who would be delighted to meet with you.

Distill LESS from more.               Provide MORE from that Less

Please Subscribe to my Shared Blog - Few challenges with flat distributed cloud. Variable sized flat horizontal architecture needs different performance monitoring at the same time. So this is an opportunity for us ;) if Industry adopts! Will they?



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