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Alcohol Review's mission is to bring alcohol understanding for all, providing essential tool for individuals, organisations, businesses and policymakers to reduce alcohol harm.
We are very grateful for your interest in our work and any assistance in reaching our objective. There are three ways to help:
The more light we can shed light on the challenge of reducing alcohol problems around the world, the better.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Phil Cain, Editor, Alcohol Review
Some testimonials
“An incredibly useful resource. I would strongly recommend subscribing.” Eric Carlin, long-time policy advocate
“An essential way to keep on top of international alcohol news, evidence and policy changes—with a strong basis in the science.” Professor Mark Petticrew, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
“A must-read for anyone interested in keeping up with alcohol issues around the globe.”Sheila Gilheany, CEO Alcohol Action Ireland
“A tremendous resource for keeping up-to-date with and sorting through current news and debates in the alcohol field around the world.” Public heath researcher
“I love Alcohol Review and read it consistently!” Senior public health comms executive