Get Mentally and Emotionally Tough!
But where do I start?
Salespeople and Sales Leaders are faced with extremely difficult and stressful situations on a day-to-day basis. You probably face more frustration, disappointments, and emotional ups and downs than most professionals. Your mental and emotional toughness has to be better than most because remember—sales is not a place to get your needs met!
Mental and emotional toughness comes from within, but it’s doing the things that are uncomfortable that help us achieve this. Here’s a Sandler Rule to help define this: “It’s not how you feel that determines how you act; it’s how you act that determines how you feel.”
We gain toughness through our experiences and putting ourselves in what we determine as uncomfortable situations. For example, asking prospects about money might seem uncomfortable for us because we’ve been taught from our parents or others that talking about money is impolite. Or maybe, it’s a scenario where we need to ask a prospect to make a decision or ask a sensitive question and we chicken out. It can affect us long term and how we see ourselves.
However, if we just take the action to discuss money and budgets, to ask for a decision—a yes or a no is perfectly ok—or to ask just one more sensitive question, it gives us confidence. It might not give us the result we were initially looking for; however, it gives us to guts to keep doing it and helps us control our emotions. IF you want to know where to start…start here.
The more we can control ourselves, the situations we are in, and the process, the more long-term success we will have, given our increased mental and emotional toughness.