Get Maximum Profit with Ferox Advisors

Get Maximum Profit with Ferox Advisors

As we know hedge funds are professionals who manage public funds for high returns. Usually, hedge fund firms will invest in several instruments with their strategy and experience. Hedge fund firms can manage public funds and turn them into active returns, or alpha, for their investors. In this way, both parties will benefit from each other, both between hedge fund firms and investors, because investors don't need to worry about strategy or anything else.

But what happens when hedge fund firms meet crypto? these are Ferox Advisors, a hedge fund platform, and DeFi, which manages derivatives accounts and external clients and aims to provide investors with maximum return with low risk. What Ferox Advisors do is managing derivatives account for proprietary trading and external clients with strategies and experiences to achieve high returns for investors.

Combination of Hedge Fund and DeFi

Ferox Advisors is a hedge fund firm combined with DeFi that will provide users with maximum profit. Ferox Advisors is built by a professional and experienced team in automated and cryptocurrency trading. With various strategies and experiences that have been gained over the years in their field, the team is sure to provide users with maximum profit on their investment.

Ferox Advisors manages derivative accounts and external clients to achieve absolute returns with minimal risk. In this way, users do not need to be complicated with various things such as strategies or actions in investing, because Ferox Advisors will handle it all. Ferox Advisors, through a professional team, has succeeded in developing several strategies to achieve maximum profit, users can even get an annual return of at least 30%.

Ferox Advisors is a registered and legal entity. Ferox Advisors are registered with the RAK free trade zone near Dubai with trading offices in Istanbul. So that every Ferox Advisors activity is legal and users don't have to worry about the legality of the Ferox Advisors firm.

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Features of Ferox Advisors

This allows for cooperation between users and hedge fund firm Ferox Advisors in managing derivatives accounts. This also includes cooperation in managed accounts on Crypto Currencies. This cooperative step, allows Ferox Advisors and users to benefit from each other. The following are cooperative steps that can be achieved:

  • Managed Accounts: If users are interested, they can directly contact Ferox Advisors for cooperation in creating structured managed accounts, trading derivatives, or cryptocurrencies. Here, users will not be charged a management fee, but a profit-sharing system above the high watermark.
  • Private Enterprise: If users wish to become private equity partners of Ferox Advisors, they can directly contact Ferox Advisors. In the future, these private shareholders will be able to participate in various activities of Ferox Advisors.

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Ferox Advisors Native Currency

The ecosystem developed by Ferox Advisors will use FRX Token as the native currency to be used in the ecosystem and this currency is based on Blockchain technology which ensures transparency. Investors and holders can use these tokens for various things such as paying for services or using them for Binary Options on the platform developed by Ferox Advisors. Apart from that, they can also make price predictions on various commodity assets and receive payments via smart contracts which are executed automatically. Apart from that, FRX Token also applies DeFi standards such as Yield Farming or Liquidity Mining which allows its users to interact easily through the developed Web3 Interface. FRX Token is based on the Tron Ethereum Blockchain which provides a decentralized system and allows various transaction processes to be carried out automatically via smart contracts. If you are interested you can see it here;?


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COVID-19 as previously mentioned brings new trends to the global market, One of which is the Traditional Commodity Market which is currently starting to implement Crypto in its instruments and Ferox Advisors is one of the pioneers who bridge this by creating an Ecosystem with a unique platform that allows everyone to access and control their assets, especially in derivative options in a transparent and comprehensive manner. Ferox Advisors offers a very unique Derivative Option with a multi-functional token system which can be used as the main exchange tool that can interact with DeFi. As we can see at this time the crypto market will continue to increase every year and Ferox Advisors entered at the right time by becoming a bridge to connect traditional markets with Crypto. I personally highly recommend that you become a part of Ferox Advisors!

For important information about this project see the link below




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