Get to Know Your True Self
Get to know your true self. Sometimes in the chaos of pleasing others, keeping up with new developments in modern culture, trying to project a cool image on social media, and maintaining a serious, ambitious persona at our job, we lose track of who we really are. Energy that makes us uniquely us arises from our soul and doesn’t care a bit about the whims of modern culture or fitting in. When we feel we “have to get our head together,” it’s a clear clue that we’ve lost our connection with our vital, purposive soul energy.
What do I believe when I am alone and quiet and peaceful? How do I feel? What do I like? Who do I love? Who am I? If we don’t spend some time reflecting on these questions, and insist on living a life that is not consistent with our soul’s values, trouble ensues. Headaches. Body aches. Boredom. Trouble sleeping. Fits of temper about having to once again pretend to be someone fake or false. By asking ourselves these questions, we begin to reintegrate with our inner self, our true self. We stop worrying about what other people will think. People may ask, “what’s wrong with you?” Our instincts tell us that we are finally discovering what is right with us. Release yourself from the prison of other people’s opinions. You may find that not as many people “like” you are before. But you’ve gained the great freedom of liking yourself.