Get to know the variety of options offered by Equipcon
Textual note taken from EQUIPCON on January 20, 2024
Noblesville, Indiana ?– January 20, 2024
Equipcon caters to a diverse range of inspection needs with a variety of solutions. While our technology partners provide customizable and automated solutions, Equipcon has you covered all the way from very standard to the most advanced.
Equipcon features a value line of equipment that we’re eager to discuss. This value line encompasses our own Standard Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches (MPI), DecaCoil High Production MPI System, and Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Systems (FPI).
The Standard MPI Benches are used for detecting surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials. Our standard benches, available in five distinct models, offer varying capabilities, accommodating tasks ranging from simple to more complex.
1. (TT-1):?Tabletop/Portable bench designed for training schools and low-volume small parts inspection.
2. (EQ-45):?4,000 amps AC/5,000 amps DC with a 54” Head Opening.
3.?(EQ-56):?Manual, Single vector AC 5,000Amp & DC 6,000Amp magnetizing capabilities.
4.?(EQ-D6):?Manual Single Vector 3-phase FWDC 6,000 Amp output with Reversing DC Demag option.
5.?(EMD-56):?Multidirectional AC/HWDC/FWDC magnetizing outputs with a 40” Head Opening and Flux Flo coils or Encirculating coil.
The DecaCoil High Production MPI System is a non-contact, multidirectional, induced MPI system with an automatic bath application and a motorized conveyor. The basic scheme of operation requires the loading of test components onto the motorized conveyor either manually or by means of plant robotics or conveying systems. These components are transported into the magnetizing tunnel, where they are sprayed with magnetic inking material and magnetized in three vectors simultaneously.
These 3 separate output vectors are independently controlled, allowing the user to “balance” the field strength in all orientations. While one phase will be preferentially strong when compared to the other two at any given time, the use of 3 rotating phases simultaneously creates a “swinging field” of magnetism, which provides near equal sensitivity in all planes.
The FPI Systems are similarly used for detecting surface and subsurface discontinuities in materials. The main difference is that it’s used for non-porous materials. Available in 5 different model sizes.
1.?PT-C (General 4′):?Stand-alone penetrant Cabinet, including a solid table-top, back, roof, and side with front curtains, overhead UV lamp, white light, and ventilation fan.
2. WW-73 / HH-73:?Small production FPI Line with 12” x 18” tanks designed for low volume processing. Available in Water Washable, Post Emulsified, or Lipophilic methods.
3.?WW-82 / HH-82:?Medium production FPI Line with 18” x 24” tanks suitable for moderate production rates. Available in Water Washable, Hydrophilic, or Lipophilic methods.
4.?FPI-Inspect (Station 3′ x 3′ x 7′):?Stand-alone inspection station with UV White Light. Sizes can be customized.
5.?FPI-G100:?Automated FPI Gantry Style System using baskets for processing a wide variety of parts automatically. Available in Water Wash, Hydrophilic, or Lipophilic methods.
Our value line of equipment provides tailored solutions for a variety of needs, ranging from standard to complex. Whether you require MPI, FPI, or any other inspection method, we are here to assist you.