Get to know Sam  Whitlock, senior copywriter at RH&Co

Get to know Sam Whitlock, senior copywriter at RH&Co

This week we’re excited to introduce copywriter Sam Whitlock to you all. Sam is our senior copywriter and editor here at RH&Co and is a born wordsmith. He heads up our team of writers and was the first writer to join the RH&Co team all those years ago. (You can read more about his learnings as a writing coach and copywriter here).

Not only is he a really good copywriter, he's a novelist in his spare time too. We thought you ought to get to know him better, so we asked him those all important questions...

Where are you from and how did you end up in Bristol?

Originally I’m from Surrey; I grew up in a house that faced a farmer’s field and the North Downs. Since then I’ve jumped to Sussex, Kent, North Carolina, back to Kent, then to Bristol. The move to Bristol was sudden. I applied through clearing to get a place at the University of the West of England. One month I had no plans to move, the next month I was here!

If you were given a week entirely to yourself, what would you do with it?

Hop the English Channel and wander around a beautiful city. With a good book for the quiet moments and good friends for the louder ones.

If you could choose a Mr Men character to describe you, what would it be?

Mr. Daydream. That describes my default state of mind.

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What do people always find surprising about you?

Although my name is Samuel, I was known by my school friends as “Dave” for five years for reasons that don’t really make sense. I reclaimed my real name when I was 16.

What is your proudest achievement in your life so far?

Taking care of my emotional and relational health. It’s something I ignored until I was about 22. Paying attention to it has made a difference to my best days, worst days and all the ones in between.

If you could do any job in the world for one day, what would it be?

I would want to be in a writers’ room, working on a comedy, preferably in Pixar.

What book are you reading at the moment?

Too many at the same time! In between studying I am re-reading The Hobbit. An old favourite.

What’s your favourite thing about Bristol?

Probably the theatre scene. I love going to the Old Vic and Tobacco Factory Theatre.

What’s your personal motto for life?

Find where the joy is and follow it.


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