Get to know the individuals behind LMON

Get to know the individuals behind LMON

It’s easy to sit with a lengthy list of things we want and feel like we’ve done our part through the wanting. Now is the time, we need to stop kidding ourselves about the things we want but aren't willing to sacrifice for - those are merely wishes.” ?

As the Business Consultant of LMON, I feel incredibly privileged to have been part of the inception, the coming together working with a dynamic team towards a vision, mission, and goal that will positively impact so many lives globally and pave the way for freelancers now and in the years to come. If you’re purpose-driven and love the pursuit of achieving your freedom through passion, LMON is the place for you!?

?What are LMON’s Values??

Every day, we work on leveling the playing field and increasing access for all freelancers. We believe that gig workers should open the doors they choose, not the ones they are only forced to. One way we do this is through our LMON platform. LMON stands for being Authentic, being the version of Your choosing not what the world tells you to be. LMON is 'Living My Own Niche'.??

?What do you wish individuals knew about LMON’s GIG Economy??

As a Gig master, one needs to stay focused, keep your eyes on the ball, know that your journey may not be as precise as the company or corporate one may be working for or someone you know or even your best friend. Regardless of your background, keep growing, be vulnerable, and transparent as this will help achieve your goals. LMON offers the support structure towards your vision and mission of your gig journey! This platform is beyond you as an individual, there are so many people relying on you and others yet to benefit from your passion and we are driven by the mission to get your best to all who need it! We create WIN-WIN-WIN.??

?What makes LMON the Game Changer in the GIG Economy??

This understanding of current trends in the Gig Economy provides us with insights into the challenges faced by individuals,?and a constant focus on upskilling enables us to solve for them. As a leader, I am also responsible for ensuring that our approach to?LMON delivers value for the Freelancers (which isn’t too tough with our talented team), whilst identifying opportunities for operational efficiencies.??????

?Behavioral Assessment?

A behavioral assessment tool is an incredible approach to sourcing the best match individuals for businesses that lead to great outcomes.?With my years of experience as a Human Resources & People Peak Performance Professional, along with the LMON team, we have identified behavioral markers that consistently show up as part of top performers' DNA, setting them apart as SUPERHumans or RAINMakers. Through our LMON Certification offering, every freelancer has the opportunity to stand apart from the rest by showcasing they are the BEST!????

?What can we expect from LMON in the next year??

?Where do I start? The recent global pandemic created a sudden sense of urgency for a freelance platform that caters for skillsets globally. LMON tackled this challenge head-on, and in just a few months, adapted to a platform that continues to serve their gig masters. This was a huge achievement in the face of enormous time pressure, but it also highlighted what can be done as we are currently practicing what we preach, our own development team sits remotely across 4 different countries.??

?I believe the next year, we will see great progress, especially in the way we work using Artificial Intelligence, Data, and Machine Learning in remote setups. LMON's Gig Economy while already in existence, we will likely see more and more opportunities in other industries such as Education, Lecturing, Wellness, Life & Business Coaching and so much more. I am known for saying, ‘’If Elon Musk will create a human civilization on Mars, LMON will provide work opportunities on Mars.

?Our understanding and standards of the fundamental best practices within the freelance industry will change how we look at gig opportunities and we will create opportunities for leading gig masters to gain worldwide perspectives without the costs of boarding a plane. The future is exciting!?

??“We love to collaborate with you in your freelance journey.?Click on the link in our bio to find out more about LMON.”?

?Find Farheen Husain on LinkedIn Here?



