Get to know Capable Coaching
Sabrina Riley ??????????
Changing billions of lives with sustainable and aligned success created through authenticity and vulnerability | 15+ years of trans(formational) expertise | Transgender woman | Bestselling Author
I previously dabbled in writing some articles for no particular purpose other than the enjoyment of writing. However, my engagement with this feature dropped off after I second-guessed that I really had something to say.
This is the first article of what I hope will be a beautiful experience. I love writing and I love sharing tips and ideas with others to enhance their lives. Let this article be a culmination of the description of services I offer, my about section, etc. While I enjoy writing in these different sections I really wanted to create a singular article that you can connect with if you are considering connecting with me.
How long have you been coaching business owners or executives?
It would be inauthentic for me to try to pretend that I am not just getting started with my Capable Coaching endeavor. There is not going to be a post I can make about previous client results or any particular expertise that is going to give you that reason to pay for my services. What I will offer is a genuine human experience and the reasons why I am pursuing the career that I am. I will share the knowledge that I do have already. I will also promise to continue to learn and I will share my journey with you along the way. While I do already believe I am capable of coaching you, I am still going to work every day to become a better version of myself, especially as a coach.
Why have you created this business?
Capable Coaching really is a culmination of everything that I am passionate about. It includes years of reflection and clarification that help me to be 100% clear on what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I cannot think of anything I would rather be doing than to help you achieve your dreams. There is no desire I have to come up with the next tech startup or have millions of dollars from real estate endeavors. There is nothing wrong with either of these dreams or any other ones that you have. I simply desire to only make money in ways that feel absolutely authentic to me. I hope you will inquire about my services one day and join me on my journey as I also write books, create podcasts, partake in speaking engagements, etc. There will be multiple business ventures that I am not even aware of yet. I look forward to enjoying this journey as I create a fulfilling life and watch you do the same.
The Capable Coaching name is born out of my why statement. My mission in everything that I do is to help others realize their full potential so that they can achieve their dreams. That is why I also created the hashtag #youaremorethancapable because realizing your full potential is not just about hoping you can tackle your goals. It is the belief and confidence that you can become the best version of yourself and no one can take this away from you.
This can of course mean many things. As I mentioned above there will be various endeavors that I will enjoy other than business coaching. This is simply one way that I am living out my why. However, for me it is the most meaningful of all my endeavors. There is something I find particularly enjoyable about a 1 on 1 or small group interaction. I really enjoy creating that vulnerability and deep connection.
Whether I knew it is not I have been working towards this for most of my life, surely since I was a teenager. In another article, I will dive into what I know about a growth mindset. For now, I do not seek to give this term a definition or further explanation. From a young age, my mom taught me a growth mindset without knowing exactly how this was going to play out. She had no in-depth knowledge of psychology so she did not even know what she was truly giving me. She used to tell me "you can do anything you put your mind to". Hearing this from an early age taught me that with the right amount of effort, I could accomplish anything. I think most of us know about negative thought patterns. Imagine how much a positive thought pattern affected me since I heard it from such a young age (probably 5 or 6 years old).
As I got older (teenager) I learned my parents are not perfect, as we all do. I learned of the struggles they went through in their own lives and were still going through. I learned how difficult it was just for them to give me the life they gave me (mainly from a mental health standpoint). In learning this I felt sad. Of course, I felt grateful for what they had done for me, but I felt sad that I could not help them. Both my parents and any therapist would tell me that it is not my job to fix my parents' problems. While I wholeheartedly knew that this statement was true, it did not stop me from wanting to help. I will never forget my dad explaining to me how he accepts just having bad days sometimes and just does not think there is anything in his power to change this. I feel the need to explain that of course there are lessons that sometimes need to be learned around acceptance. Not everything is 100% in your control and so I am grateful that I was able to learn this from him. However, my dad intended to teach me acceptance at another point in time. At that moment he was being honest about his own feelings he was not trying to teach me anything.
This has continued to stick with me due to the disparity between this fixed mindset and the growth mindset that my mom was able to gift to me. Surely my dad is not the only person who does not realize their own potential and does not have the confidence to push for the most fulfilling life that one could have for themselves. My world was shattered when he first told me how he felt. I truly could not reconcile that those around me did not have the same confidence in themselves and the endeavors that I did. I don't state this realization with a sense of pride I was and still am truly privileged in many ways and I have come to recognize this. As a teenager, I did not know how, but deep down I knew that I would dedicate my life to helping others realize their full potential. It was not enough for me to be given such a gift of that mindset at an early age to only have that for myself. I knew I needed to share it with the world because it would change the world.
This is why I created Capable Coaching. I am not some perfect guru nor will I be a perfect coach. I am just someone who is fortunate to know what it feels like to live without anxiety most of the time. I am just someone who is fortunate to know what it feels like to be confident in myself an overwhelming majority of the time. I sincerely hope that I get the chance to change your life.
What official expertise do you have?
As I mentioned at this particular point there is not that much official expertise I have to coach you. More than anything there is just the knowledge that no one could rob me of that this is the purpose I have for my life and I know that I am not only capable now, but that I will also continue to develop new skills that will benefit you greatly.
I am finishing up the #quanticMBA program. This is particularly purposeful and meaningful because my capstone project was an "Individual Strategic Development Plan". I live my life in a very intentional way and this has really helped me to determine the best path forward for myself over the next couple years. There will be no shortage of #lifelonglearning in many facets that will help me to become the best coach I can be.
I am also starting an official International Coaching Federation program this October. This education experience means everything to me because I want to have the most expertise possible to be able to use coaching in a proven way. I am also considering a Master's and maybe even a PhD in psychology and/or neuroscience. While I have not determined for myself exactly what this needs to be I know that knowledge of psychological principles and learning more about current research will be instrumental in helping me to deliver an elevated coaching experience.
I also continue to constantly read books by authors like Simon Sinek. I also listen to many different podcasts including #hubermanlab where I can learn more about psychology, neuroscience, and many other domains of health that will give me the knowledge to be a great coach. This extra learning outside of a formal program is going to continue because I also thoroughly enjoy doing it. It enhances my own life. And although that is only an n = 1 and not a significant sample size it still allows me to dissect what might or might not be helpful. I will never coach on some principle or suggest any healthy habit that I have not also tried myself.
A special thank you to my best friend, Connor
I could not discuss the start of my new business and my new endeavors without discussing Connor.
Earlier today I made a post about being afraid to officially start this journey because of my failure as a financial advisor. In many ways this was my first failure as a "business owner".
Connor started this career around the same time I did. This is even more significant as we met as fraternity brothers at a national event in 2013 and largely did not reconnect again until 2017. I will never forget him calling me at night telling me how bad his day was and how much he felt like a failure especially in those first 6 months. The funniest part for me about this is him not realizing that I was not successful either. I tried to convey this to him but I both felt bad and really wanted to help, and I am not sure he truly understood how bad I was doing on my own. I am still pretty sure to this day he insisted that I was capable of helping him so it just started without any sort of plan.
I found myself helping him with the mindsets that I knew to be helpful. Since I was not successful myself in the role, there were many things I failed to teach him. I could not teach him how to network. I could not teach him how to get referrals. I could not teach him how to close sales. I realized I could teach him how to believe in himself. I realized I could ask him the right questions to help him reflect on his own experience and have realizations that would change his life. With no expertise whatsoever I found myself doing it in real time.
To this day he has let me know how helpful this has been for him in the most genuine way. His appreciation of how I coached him is not just because we are great friends. I really will be able to forever know that I changed his life.
This is how I hope to change yours. I believe so highly in shifting your mindset and changing other healthy habits to realize your full potential. This will help you to be the best business owner, executive, friend, partner, etc. that you could be.