Get Inspired by these Cool and Creative 404 Error Page Designs

Get Inspired by these Cool and Creative 404 Error Page Designs

The importance of having a well-designed 404 error page is perhaps nothing less important than having a great content. You cannot always control on which page your visitor lands. If your visitor landed on 404 error page, you should be able to re-direct them to the home page. This increases the chances of re-engaging with the visitor. A well designed 404 Error Page can help you with re-engaging your visitor.

So, whether you are designing a new website for your brand or already has a well designed and developed website, if you don’t have a 404 Error page designed, trust me you should talk with your website designer now. 404 error page not only engages your visitor and help them stay back, it is also important from search engine point of view. Google gives preference to a website with a well-designed 404 error page as compared to one that does not have one.

If you are thinking of getting some ideas from the internet, please wait. You don’t have to go anywhere in search of 404 Error page design ideas. We have done the task for you. We have looked through the internet and found out some awesome and cleverly designed 404 pages that will make you this “This is cool stuff man”

Get inspired and be creative for your 404-error page.

1 .    Blue Daniel

2.     Audiko

3.     Jumping Jack Rabbit

4.     Agens 

5.     Stickermule

6.     Dribbble

7.     Fastcentrik

8.     Chrisglass

9.     Danwoodger

10.    Bloomberg

11.     Lego

12.     GitHub

13.    Blue Fountain Media

14.    MailChimp

15.    Net Magazine

16.    Tinsanity

17.    Duoh

18.    Bitly

19.     Mike Kus

20.    Walk With You

21.    Blizzard Entertainment

22.    CSS Tricks

23.    CloudSigma

24.    GOG

25.     BrandCrowd

26.     Cooklet


28.    Iconfinder

29.    Coolappse

Source: Mamsys Blog


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