Get Inside!
Stop looking for those things in the wrong places.
People often want to be loved. To be liked. To be appreciated. To be respected. To be recognized. To feel safe. To be supported. To be powerful. Want others to agree or comply with them..
..and that is okay — you get to want what you want.
But why are you looking for those things in the wrong places?
Why are you looking for those things from society, your partner, your boss, your friends, your parents, your kids, or your online community?
And what do you do once you don’t get it from them? Or, what do you do once you give it to them and then you get nothing in return?
Ooh! You kill yourself. Or you divorce them. You fire them. Or you kill them sometimes. You resent them. Or you hate them. If they are too hard to get; now you are stressed and depressed and you finally get sick and then you die peacefully.
But why? Why all those struggles? Why all that resistance? Aren’t you tired of feeling bad? Feeling stressed?
Feeling betrayed or feeling like people are taking advantage of you?
Ooh! Remember this phrase from Jesus “The kingdom of God is within you?”
Then what are you doing there Outside?
Dear friend if you want to live your life free of bondage and be an independent being who also feels good about any conditions in your life and those around you — just do this one thing;
..don’t ever be dependent upon anyone or upon any conditions to feel the way you want to feel.
To feel worthy. To feel valuable. To feel important. To feel respected. To feel understood. To feel appreciated.
To feel loved. To feel safe. To feel good.
Oh! You have completely forgotten this…
There’s a source of creation that flows love and well-being to you every day — of which all those things are available and stable to you at any time.
Well, the sun show up for you today. Water overflows all over the world. The space, the land, the oxygen! Ooh! The trees and the birds. Gush! Fresh air — so fresh!
How much love and worth do you want?
How much appreciation and validation do you want to feel?
The problem you think — it’s coming from your girlfriend or boyfriend? Your wife or husband? Your co-workers or your housemates? Your friends or family? Your kids? And I am not blaming you for believing that way as it's those before you who taught you to believe that way.
If you don’t know; those around you and those close to you are just a connection (or let's call it a signal) to that which feels good to you — to that stream. You need to see them for who they truly are not as your slaves — to make them act your way so that you can feel the way you want to feel.
Even if you manage to do so — if you keep depending on them and keep demanding them to be different so that you can feel that which you want to feel and they finally get to do it — just know that you will never be satisfied.
Do you know why?
Humans aren’t stable and they aren’t consistent either and they will never be — and that means including me.
And guess what it's never anyone’s job to make you feel whatever good you want to feel — yet, it’s your responsibility to make yourself feel the way you want to feel and then invite others to your good feelings.
Trust me if you get that it’s all in you. It’s all about you — others are just the focus of your attention. The focus of that which you allow “that thing/that energy” to flow through them.
(That thing) Which is…
Love. Validation. Worthiness. Appreciation. Understanding. Supportiveness.
You will then live your life without any bondage.
Things will happen — but now you will know for sure that it's not them.
You will leave them out of the equation and get inside yourself.
And then life will be so easy to live :)
Gilda :)
It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)
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