Get High Ticket Clients Without Wasting Time On The Phone Prospecting

Get High Ticket Clients Without Wasting Time On The Phone Prospecting

Being An Expert Is No Longer Enough

What’s up guys,

I’ve put together a free training for you, something we call “differentiation” and I’d like you to check it out…

But first, you need to know the backstory.

Every day, Ben and I talk to phenomenal entrepreneurs — experts at the highest level… who are struggling in their business.

Maybe you can relate:

You see major “peaks” and “valleys” in your business revenue.

You are chronically overwhelmed and overrun with multiple sheets of to-do lists that you’ll never have time to actually finish.

You know that the results you can offer clients is world class, but they don’t seem to show up consistently and you don’t know what to do about it.

Your “effort” is HIGH, but the “reward” on effort is disappointingly LOW

The model we use here with our clients, is called “ROE,” or — “return on effort.”

Being good at what you do used to be enough.

Delivering great results for clients, used to be enough.

But… marketing is getting tougher & tougher…

Simply being “good” at something, isn’t enough anymore.

You have to set yourself apart…

Here are 3 key elements that can help any expert – yourself included – attract more (and better) attention, charge higher prices, deliver results with *less* effort, and stabilize your monthly income…

This is all about control.

Because what you can control, you can improve. What you can improve, you can optimize and perfect…

This is the dream, and in this short training I’ll show you how it all works.

Why Being An Expert Isn’t Enough & How To Stand Out


In today’s marketing economy, it takes more than just being “good” to stand out… here’s what it takes.

When I first started doing this. There were 4 levels of expert.

It was simple.


Consultants & Agencies


There are consultants and agencies who are so green, they would offer their services for FREE, just to get the experience. It’s pretty easy to see one of these types of consultants or coaches.

The next level is people who sell on price.

These guys are always making deals. Cutting prices. Giving discounts.

They get clients because they are so much cheaper than their competition.

In fact, a brilliant copywriter comes to mind who was our client a while back.

And he was writing full blown sales letters for $297.

And the guy was good. He had been writing copy for like 4 years. He was really really good.

So we came in and helped him rise up to the top tier of this pyramid.

And he made about $70k in the first 2 months of working with us.

So you got new guys, people who work for free.

Next level is guys who charge way to cheap.



Then the next level is PROFESSIONALS.

So this is people are very good at their craft.

But they don’t know how to get to people to pay them well for the value they bring to their market.

And they are not widely recognized as a Level 10 Expert.

So you can be very good at what you do. You can be a copywriter, a management consultant, a designer…. you can have a social media agency, or an ad agency, or whatever…

You can be very good at what you do, but NOT widely recognized for it, as the best in your field.

And that’s cool, but you’re not going to get paid as much as the Level 10 Expert.

 Level 10 Expert


The Level 10 Expert is the one at the top of the mountain.

They have chosen to stay consistent and steady of ONE THING long enough to become not only an expert, but their reputation as spread to the point that people will pay them whatever they want to charge.

So this is how things USED TO WORK. And they worked like this for a long, long, long time.

But with what you see with technology, software, and the internet, things have changed. And what the internet has done is it has evened the playing field. So now you can have an “Internet-Reality” and a “Actual-Reality” and at this point it’s IMPOSSIBLE to tell them apart.

It’s virtually impossible to tell who is real and who is fake. Who’s actually the expert, and who’s just putting up a front.

Because you got tons of people regurgitating what the actual Level 10 expert says.

And they all sound the same.

And for a true Level 10 expert, it’s frustrating because you’re constantly having to change your stuff or innovate, and find ways to prove you’re the best, and get paid what you’re worth.

And this is what it comes down to.

If you’re an expert, you need to learn this:

Being an expert is NOT ENOUGH.

The day and age when being good at something is enough. Is gone.

The day and age of just making a better chicken sandwich or a better mousetrap are gone.

So being an expert is not enough to create freedom, consistency, and real results you want to see in your business.

You need to learn to share some kind of uniqueness about you that really makes you stand out in your marketplace .

There are two truths you have to except right now:

To be a Level 10 Expert, you actually have to be a Level 10 Expert. Ok? Hopefully we don’t have a lot people out there putting on fronts but don’t have any clue that they’re doing.

The second harsh reality is your clients have to actually believe it now. And it’s your job to guide them through this process and get them to see it, believe it, and trust it.

So what I want to teach you in today’s training is how to do that.

Our method of taking people through the bottom 2 or 3 levels to the top Level 10 Expert.


 2 Marketing Styles


We are going to break down 2 different marketing styles that we teach all our private clients.

You are going to need to how to do these well.


The Trifecta


And next, the trifecta of marketing: Packaging, Messaging, and Marketing

So let’s talk about the 2 different types of marketing styles.

We’ve segmented everything down to 2 different types of marketing.


Lifestyle Marketing VS Scope Marketing.


Ben and I sucked at lifestyle marketing when we first started. We had to learn and develop this over time.


Lifestyle Marketing


Lifestyle marketing is things like stories, personal social media, podcast interviews, videos on Youtube. Pretty much everything you do on a daily basis.

So if you look at people like Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, Russel Brunson… And their whole entire life if you watch their profiles, is one big marketing message.


Scope Marketing


The second type of marketing is Scope Marketing:

This is all your project based marketing activities such as your funnels, your webinars, your email sequences, anything that has a specific goal and outcome.

For example, if you signed up for one of our webinars, hopefully you have, that’s scope marketing.

That’s us inviting you into our world. And showing you our philosophies and principles of how we think business should go.

Even this blog article would be an good example of scope marketing.

But if you seen videos of Ben and I in some exotic location like riding 4-wheelers in Medellin Colombia or getting fresh coconut lemonade on a beach in Ecuador, that’s lifestyle marketing.

The cool thing is, both types of marketing can produce multi-million dollar consulting businesses, if you’re a consultancy, an agency, a coach, a professional service provider.

When I first started writing copy. I didn’t have any lifestyle content so I had to focus on Scope Marketing. And not even my own.

I was producing Scope Content for my clients.

But then you got guys like Gary Vee, or Grant Cardone, who have pure lifestyle marketing.

But then you got guys who are snipers on the Scope Marketing.

Like one of my clients Richard, comes to mind.

He has a consulting business, a Money Management firm for big executives. He’s earning $90k per month. And he doesn’t have any lifestyle marketing at all.

Both types of marketing are very powerful.

We hope you implement both for you, as a client.

The guys who get to the very top are typically those that have mastered both.

Ok, so now let’s talk about:





These are the 3 pillars for a successful client based consulting business without being stressed, overwhelmed or going out of your mind.




The first thing we do, and this is so important, is packaging, when we take on a new client, this is the first thing we work on is their packaging.

How you wrap together your services and your offer.

And the thing that you have to know, if you want to write this down, for packaging is…


It MUST be specific, yet all-inclusive.


I’m going to get into some examples in a minute of good packaging and bad packaging.

But the packaging is a big issue when our clients first come in…

Like when you look at some of our clients and case studies, like when consultants come in and make $20k in the first week, or $90k in the first couple months…

It’s because we fixed their packaging and all of sudden people want to buy.

So that’s number one.

How to get your packaging right and your message wrapped up so it’s super specific yet all-inclusive.

So they want to make the investment, because they can wrap their head around it.




How you communicate to your audience that you’re for them OR not for them.

Here’s what’s happening when people don’t have their message on point.

They put a message out there in the world and people are confused by it.

And the people that would be PERFECT CLIENTS, because they are confused by it, they never become clients.

And when you’re do everything. And everything else on the side. And if you’re a jack of all trades. You’re communicating to your audience that you don’t really know what you’re best at and so therefore people need to be careful before investing money into you.

So you need to be super specific with your message, and drive that message deep into the heart of that ideal person you want as a client.

And that’s another thing. We spend the first 10-15 days on is identifying the 2 areas:

Who’s most likely to become your client.

And who do you want to work with the most.

And when youre messaging and your packaging is on lock.

You’re marketing becomes a byproduct of that.

Your marketing is that stable steady machine that keeps it going.

Here’s the problem.

There are PITFALLS associated with each pillar here.

And they all need to flow together perfectly for this to work.

If there’s a problem with your marketing, you’ll run out of opportunities.

You can have a great service packaged up nicely, you can have a great message, but if you’re marketing is OFF, and get a flow of interested prospects, then you’ll fail.

If you’re messaging is all messed up. Then you still might get a few clients. You might make a little bit of money. But the money for the amount of work you have to do will not align.

So instead of having 4 calls and enrolling 3 people.

Which is a good Return On Effort.

You’ll have to do 40 calls and only enroll 1 person. And then get burned out.

I’ve never seen anyone with bad messaging sustain for longer than a few months without burning out.

But let’s say you’re marketing is point. And you got your message on lock.

But if you’re packaging is not good, then you’ll never be able to CHARGE as much as you should.

If you have good marketing and messaging, your financials still might be sound. You’ll still make some decent money. But if you don’t charge enough, you won’t have enough time to make the clients happy and have freedom in your life.

But when you’re packaging is right. You’ll be able to charge the enough to make the real money you want to make. And have plenty of time to spoil your clients.

So here’s some good example and bad examples of packaging.

Here’s a BAD example:

I make funnels for people.

People ask you “What do you do?”

And you say “I make funnels”.




A better example is “I make acquisition funnels for consultants and agencies. Which means you can throw X amount of dollars into paid ads, and get X amount of clients, without putting in lots of effort and making any cold calls.”

You see how one is very vague and one is very specific? But even though it’s specific, yet all-inclusive for the market”?




I serve executives between 40-50 who make $100k in income.

I see this stuff all the time, but that’s demographics, nobody cares about demographics.

And some people like Hubspot want you to come up with names like “This is Suzie and she’s 37 and she has 4 kids and makes $100k per year with her husband.”

This stuff doesn’t matter. Bad messaging is demographics.

Good messaging is PSYCHOGRAPHICS.

Here’s an example of psychographics.

I help agencies and consultancies get more high ticket clients by automating their sales process and saving them time on prospecting.

There is no demographics in there because they are irrelevant.

What really matters is what pain point they are experiencing and how you can help them deal with that.

Good Marketing VS Bad Marketing


Bad would be I rely on networking, cold emails, cold calls, and referrals.

That’s bad, you’re going to run out of opportunities eventually. And it won’t be consistent. And you’ll deal with feast and famine. You’re just not going to make it.

Good Marketing would be predictably investing into advertising to generate a client whenever you need it.

Ok. Let’s review…


Packaging, Messaging, Marketing.


2 Types of Marketing: Lifestyle & Scope


Let’s talk about the most expensive cost in your business.

If you’re currently earning $10k per month in your business, and you know your service is good enough, you know you have the expertise, and you should be making $50k per month.

And you take 6 months to get sick of it and get over it to finally get someone in your corner that can speed up the process.

So think about that for a second. How expensive is that 6 months of opportunity cost?

If you should be at $50k and you’re only at $10k? How expensive is that opportunity cost?

That’s $240,000, monetarily… plus the stress, the time, away from your social life, your family, peace of mind… all of the other stuff you’ll miss out on without having this.

And the biggest regret our clients have. By Far. And I’m not blowing smoke, it’s the truth, this is legit, we hear this every single week, is that people sit on our list, they sit in our funnel, they love our webinar, they love our emails, they love our training videos. But for some reason they don’t let us help them build this thing out.

Like for example, sometimes it takes 6 months. Like this client Sara we have, she’s a consultant that was on our list for 6 months consuming all our content and finally said screw it, after 6 months. I”m gonna talk to them and I’m going to dive in.

The first month with us she went from $7k to $30k a month in personal income.

Last month she did over $80k in income.

The most expensive cost in your business is what you’re missing out on right now by doing it the hard way.

And here you have the opportunity to surround yourself with people that have already been where you want to go. We’ve already built these things you want to build out.

Whether you want to make $50k per month or $500k per month. We can help you implement a funnel from experience, not theory, proven systems. And shave off years of the learning curve.

So what I want you to think about is…

Are you ready to finally get what you want?

And it’s ok if you’re not.

Some people say they want $50k per month but don’t really feel like they deserve it, or maybe they just don’t want it bad enough, or they don’t really feel like they are worth it.

And for those of you in that state of mind, you gotta work that out.

And so we will give you things later on down the line that will help you deal with that.

But for those of you, that think it would be CHEAPER and EASIER to not reinvent the wheel and BORROW the experience, the systems, the learning lessons and wisdom and really USE THESE GUYS to help me get my business to the next level.

We’ll help you with your packaging, your marketing, your messaging, and get you to the top level up the pyramid with a proven system. And build you something you count on that has consistent and predictable growth in your consulting business or agency.

I want you to click the button below and book a time, talk to one of our people and we’ll tell you the truth, if we think you need to wait, we’ll tell you. About 4 out 10 people we say “you’re great, but we think you should focus this or that first”.

So go to the button below, book a time, there is no charge.




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