Get Help to Create & Live Your Vision
?Fraser J. Hay, 2022 - #marketing #sales #entrepreneurship #digitalamarketing #workfromhome

Get Help to Create & Live Your Vision

Today, I'm excited. Not just because of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and enjoying the longest bank holiday "weekend" in history, but because not only has the weekend been spent with family and friends enjoying good food, good company and good times, this week I'm happy to create a bumper issue for you with new releases, updates, freebies and skillutions.

Here are some snaps taken outside the front of the house

(60 miles north of Aberdeen) on the Moray Firth, over the weekend. We saw dolphins, sea otters and even a whale on Saturday night. (true!)

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Aye, this is the life ;) More on where I live, later...

But first, a wee post about networking on Linkedin...

Ever thought of people in your network on LinkedIn as "dogs"?

Bear with me on this one...

Just like your faithful companion, many people in your network on LinkedIn are not interested in the size of house that you have, the make of car that you drive or the brand of sunglasses you wear, they just want you to be a well grounded balanced individual. Members of your LinkedIn network don't respond well to bad treatment, or a loud angry tone, but quite often they do need to be lead on occasion.

Dogs like your fellow networkers are "pack" animals, and quite often you need to think of the benefit of the "pack" not just yourself. Dogs used to hunt in "packs", just like many small SMEs now form collaborations and clusters for bidding on large contracts. People partner up with others and often hunt in "packs" too.

Your LinkedIn network of connections consists of social animals, just like Fido. Your network, just like Fido likes a freebie (a Scoobie Snack) now and again too. Do some of your network expect a freebie too often, or have they had the right training & onditioning? Do they respect you, and you - them?

Sometimes dogs react badly to other dogs, they can show their teeth, growl and act in a hostile way and probably due to being scared, frustrated, and in some instances simply from a lack of confidence whilst in the presence of other dog(s).

Quite often, in some households, the dog can often take control, take charge for there is a lack of leadership from the owner. Sometimes people need to be reminded of their boundaries afterall your dog doesn't really want to lead you, it is a faithful companion conditioned to FOLLOW you, and want your guidance. It quietly wants you to guide them in what's best for them. If it's behaving in a particular negative way, then look for the real cause, and deal with it head on.

Dogs need and want 3 things -

  • Exercise
  • Discipline
  • Affection

People in your network also need want 3 things, some may even need the 3 above

  • Knowledge
  • Contacts
  • Opportunity

Are the needs of your faithful companion(s) getting met?

Unlike your fellow networkers, dogs only live in the present. They don't relive any regrets or guilt of the past, and they certainly don't worry about the future. They forget when you mistreat them and quickly forgive you, (but do your network??)

Both your network and your dog like you to behave in a consistent and congruent manner. They hate mixed messages. Don't ask them to behave one way and you behave in a totally different way, as that can send out really bad signals and mixed messages, for you don't want your favourite jacket all chewed up - do you?

Have no expectation of your faithful companion(s). By that I mean, don't expect them to live up to unrealistic high expectations, and just accept them for what and who they are. Many members of your network will actually mirror your behaviour, just like a dog will mirror your behaviour, and mood on occasion too. Some can on occasion, bite the hand that feeds them, but you have to ask yourself why and what in your behaviour needs changing? (for remember dogs mirror your behaviour).

All in all, dogs and your network like to experience your personality, that want to remain loyal and faithful, but by the same token they want the respect, and good relationship management just like your faithful companion. Now I'm not saying they will start fetching a ball,sit on command or "beg", but you can be rest assured that if you look after them, they will grow with you, remain loyal and continue to follow you, as you continue to grow and develop as a leader.

What's the pedigree of your network? ;)

Now what's the next goal or objective that you want to achieve with your networking on Linkedin?

Enjoy the rest of this week's newsletter and if you want a chat, then please, do get in touch. Afterall, My details are on my profile and?I promise, I won't bite. :)

Sorry, I Was a Tad Quiet During The Covid-19 Pandemic...

In addition to relocating beside the sea, I had a few goals I wanted to achieve...

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Now, Ask Yourself...

Do you work for an employer or do you work for yourself...?

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There are very few challenges in life and business that are impossible to solve. Many just need a little "sustained thinking" and they will dissolve and give way to a determined and motivated person with a practical plan of action that is flexible enough to cope with ever changing conditions in a dynamic landscape and turbulent economic times.

Starting & Running a Business Is Not All Sunshine & Rainbows

Now, I've got over 20 books published on Amazon all to do with entrepreneurship and small business marketing, and I've got others published with Bookboon. However I've got a freebie for you today just for being an interactive and participative subscriber to my newsletter and because I like to do what mum used to say, "pay it forwards..." And you?

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Download TODAY from Amazon Click the image or HERE. Oh and for more of my books, you can visit

Are You On Point, On Form & On Fire?

Do you work for yourself or an employer? It's amazing what happens when you focus on what's good in your company or organisation instead of what you don't like.. Very quickly, you will have more responsibility, visibility and a much greater sense of appreciation & fulfilment. However, if you find yourself at a crossroads, we think that we might just be able to help...

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For a FREE copy of my book, either Click The Image or HERE

Everyone has a great idea inside of them. Have you?

Having a definite plan of action or sense of purposeness can help propel you forward and turn your dream into an idea. Crikey, I should know, I started one business with £10, and ended up winning 2 national awards and a wee TV documentary about me too, and the UK Govt asked me to be a keynote speaker in Poland to speak about Enterprise. But What about you and your great idea...?

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For a FREE Video session, click either image or HERE.

The Covid-19 Pandemic Was Savage

Over the last 2 years many industries have collapsed, millions of people have been made redundant, paid off, laid off and thousands of businesses have had to close their doors. Others have had to change direction and respond appropriately in these current and turbulent economic times. What about you? Do you need help to improve your business model?

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For our FREE Webinar, Either Click the image ab ove, or HERE.

Your FREE Year Long Content Posting Strategy.

Want NEW ideas for posting content? If so, then here you go. Your very own year long content posting strategy. On our MarTech Marketing Technology platform we give you all the tools to create and curate content, schedule and post it to all of your social networking platforms in one central dashboard. Last week I shared how I generated 250,000 views to an article on Linkedin. Last week's newsletter is HERE.

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A Dream Written Down Becomes a Goal, A goal Broken Down into Steps Becomes a Plan...

Many people struggle with how to raise their profile, position themself as an expert, and implement a pull strategy that has worked well for me in the past...

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But what about you? Have you got a plan? Is it written down? How do you hold your team accountable? Are you having to do everything or are you just being tolerant and putting up with what others do for you because you don't want to upset the apple cart? Many people scared of change don't even know what all the marketing tools and software are they subscribing to or paying for a monthly basis? Do you?

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For Our FREE Marketing Webinar, either Click The Image or CLICK HERE.

An Important lesson learned about saving time, money & stress

Have you had to process over 4000 leads from one promotional campaign? I have, and it was a nightmare. I was ill prepared, running around paying students to help process 6 royal mail sacks of mail and to database all the enquires on differnet laptopss so that we could follow them up. 10 straight days, 18 hour shifts and 8 people helping out. Nightmare!

Keep it simple. Automate it all online. (Lesson learned.) :)

Forunately, automation can greatly reduce waste, duplication of effort, bottlenecks and help hold members of your team accountable to ensute their delivering on what they're being paid to deliver. If you're stressed, overwhelmed or close to burn out, ask yourself...

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For Our FREE Marketing Webinar, either Click The Image or CLICK HERE.

How Much are 1, 5 or 12 NEW Clients Worth to You?

Golly, the amount of times I've driven the 400 mile round trip to Glasgow or flown the 1000 mile round tip to London for sales appointments, spent entire days (and evenings) preparing a sales presentation and proposal filled with facts, features, benefits and all the ways I could help the prospect for them to not get back in touch, return my calls or even have the decency to politely say no and explain why. It used to wind me up.

That was before I started putting the word "DRAFT" on the front of my proposals inviting them to contact me to discuss how the final proposition would take place and ensure they got maximum value. Of course, using Skype, Messenger & Zoom now helps to reduce the travel costs especially when I say 60 miles north of Aberdeen doing what I love to do. I try to keep my carbon foot print down when I can and my commute to bedroom, bathroom, kitchen - laptop :)

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But what about you...?

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Last, But By No Means Least - Thank you For Your Past, Present & Future Support..

And remember, if you want a chat, even just to say Hi, shoot the breeze or if you want help to create your next plan of action, document it, automate it or with help executing it and rolling it out, then please do get in touch. If I can't help you, then I'm sure someone in my network or facebook group can. After all, don't forget...

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Either click the image or CLICK HERE to schedule a call.

You Know it makes sense.

Onwards and upwards


P.S. Have you found a benefit from reading my newsletter? Do you think others in your network would find a benefit from reading it? Would you be prepared to recommend it & forward it to others in your network? Who would be the first 2 people you could think of that might like to subscribe?

Dave Cordle - The Career Mountaineer

I enable stuck professionals to create more joy and less stress at work | 1-2-1 coaching | change career | less stress | career success | CV | Interview | Ideal Job | Teachers | Professionals | Students

2 年

Great post Fraser Hay. I particularly love the bit about Human Becoming


Business Development Specialist @ CGI Digital | Marketing Communications, Social Networking

2 年



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