Get Free Remote Server Via GitHub

Get Free Remote Server Via GitHub

This is not a secret and has long been a well-known topic for many, but many also do not know about it.

You don’t need to worry about the main GitHub account, but you can use the new account.


7GB RAM | 2 CPU | 255GB HDD | Download speed 900Mb/s+

There are problems such as:

  • Can turn off at any time
  • Might not turn back on.


  1. Register on?GitHub?4
  2. Go to the?repository?13
  3. Fork this?repository?13
  4. Go to the “Actions” of our Fork
  5. Click on “I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them”
  6. Next you need to go to?this site?9
  7. Click “Start”
  8. Click “Next”
  9. Click “Authorize”
  10. Copy the code from “Windows (PowerShell)”
  11. We return to point “5”
  12. Go to your workflow, after click “Run workflow”

Fill in these fields:

In “Enter CRD code”

We insert the code that we received in paragraph “10”

In Six Digit Pin

We write any password consisting of 6 or more characters.

Example: 123456 (remember, you will need to enter)


  1. We go?here?10?and wait until the Server is created.

Happy learning!


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