Worthy audience we shall be able to convince you & take you out of tormenting crisis of dearth of resources, less education & having no way to succeed in smart world of Digital Speed & Productivity Revolution in few Articles. Remember our message is please try to understand that Powershift in False Faith (Definitions of false belief. a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning, synonyms: fallacy), erformance, Sports, and Battle Field &Business World has shifted from mighty King/Clergy/Autocratic Ruler /Gold Heaps/ Banking Systems,Power Blocks to ........Block- Chains Crypto -currency / Cyberspace /Metaverse & Digitally Smart Minority /Individuals /Global Citizens. What all you need is get away from democratic pursuits, diabolic faithlessness, Utopia (Social Media, TV & Tik Talk, Dirty Pranks & MUJRA TAMASHBINI), thus creating time for yourself, your friends, kith& kins as well as your children. How? Change few things:-
- Do not waste even a second, utilize every moment in learning, working, praying &earning? Walk to the place you need to reach?
- Share & Learn Smart Tool of self ?value addition through understanding & practicing use of Smart Digital apps/devices through freely available distant learning tutorials & our Article, no need of buying any gadget. Just use these smart devices by serving those who have it (but don’t ‘sell conscious & body).
- Get mentally fit through physical fitness just use any track /road or indoor facility for running /faster jogging or slow but long walk depending on your age& health.
- Discard eating free or on payment food Garbage even in parties which may turn you obese, diabetic, sick & expensive? Simple organic food with simple Rotti is best survival /free beauty kit?
- Tolerate weather in all season, do not make rain, night, fog or dress an excuse (if not seriously falling down).Get up & start now?
3.?????BROTHERS THIS CENTURY / NEW AGE GIVES YOU TOTAL LIBERTY TO PROVE YOUR TALENTS……REASON IS ALAROUND YOU THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO?ARE TOTALLY LEFT BEHIND & ARE A BIG FAILURE IN SMART WORLD……98 % PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN ARE INVALID TO COMPETE SINCE THEY HAVE NOT CHANGED AS PER THE LATEST Environments, use of Technologies & E-commerce Skills …….you may become the OUTSTANDING in Pakistan, just beat all Corrupt /Wealthy/Primitive Minded & Dogmatic Bandits & Goof peple like Extremist,Powerseekers & Evil Business Tycoons…..who are thriving on our unlucky ignorance & lack of will to learn? Indeed you are your own destiny if you understand God’s System of justice? KHUDDA NE AJJ TAK US QOM KI HALLAT NAHI BADLI NA HO JIS TO KHAYAL APP APNE HALAT KE BADDALNE KA ( DOSTO YE QURRAN-E PAK KE ALFAZ KA TARJUMMA HE).Help each other, you will enjoy your life? Now coming over to the easy Learning of Smart tools & thriving in global arena. It is very simple please & it is for ?all ages Pakistani ( 7 to 70 years old ) & you all ?& people of the global village can start with few important ?definitions in this discourse?from today on as follows (please do not discard it if a bit difficult for beginners & google searching will make it very easy) :- ????????
- What is Data? In common usage and statistics, data is a collection of discrete or continuous values (unprocessed information) it is a sort of raw material that is used to produce /convey information by describing the quantity, quality, fact, statistics, other basic units of meaning, or simply sequences of symbols that may be further interpreted formally. The terms “data” and “information” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same. Data is defined as individual facts/figures, while information is the organization and interpretation of those facts. If data are the bricks, then information is the house the data bricks form when laid out in an organized manner.
- What is Computing? It is?the act of calculating something adding it up, multiplying it, or doing more complex math functions to it. Computers are named for this process, because they can compute faster than humans. Computing is?any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from, or creating computing machinery .It includes the study &experimentation of algorithmic processes, and development of both hardware and software. Computing has scientific, engineering, mathematical, technological and social aspects
- What is Cloud .The definition for the cloud can seem murky, but essentially, it's?a term used to describe a global network of servers, each with a unique function. The cloud is not a physical entity, but instead is a vast network of remote servers around the globe which are hooked together and meant to operate as a single ecosystem.
- What is Metaverse. It can be?any 3D/4D virtual space powered by?electron free?Digital technologies?including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain?that allows people to interact with each other (and in some cases, with non-human avatars).
- What is Data Computing? Using Data which comes in the form of text, observations, figures, images, numbers, graphs, or symbols. For example, data might include?individual prices, weights, addresses, ages, names, temperatures, dates, or distances for computing, calculating more information for any meaningful purpose, data is?information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing. Relative to today's computers and transmission media, data is information converted into binary digital form. It is acceptable for data to be used as a singular subject or a plural subject.
- What is Big Data. It is?data that contains greater variety, arriving in increasing volumes and with more velocity. This is also known as the three Vs. Put simply, big data is larger, more complex data sets, especially from new data sources. It is interlinked with all computers & servers like global data pool in Metaverse. Big data comes from every use of information transfer, interaction& data /communication chip. Some examples of various sources are?transaction processing systems, customer databases, documents / memory storage archives,cookies,emails, servers, self-generated AI data ,storage devices ,soft memory chip, Hard Drives/Disc, Baking, Travelling ,Trading ?,Education, Medical records etc & internet clickstream logs, mobile apps and social networks.
- What is Cloud Computing? Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device,?cloud-based storage?makes it possible to save them to a remote database. As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it .In other words Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet (the cloud). These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing resources (such as storage and infrastructure), as services over the internet. It eliminates the need for individuals and businesses to self-manage physical resources themselves, and only pay for what they use. The main?cloud computing service models?include infrastructure as a service offers compute and storage services, platform as a service offers a develop-and-deploy environment to build cloud apps, and software as a service delivers apps as services..
- What is Quantum computing It is?a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than on classical computers. Quantum computers are different from classical computers in several ways. First,?they use qubits instead of bits to store and process information. Qubits can exist simultaneously in multiple states, allowing quantum computers to perform calculations in parallel, making them much faster than classical computers. The field of quantum computing includes hardware research and application development.
- What is Qubit. Just like a binary bit is the basic unit of information in classical (or traditional) computing, a qubit (or quantum bit) is?the basic unit of information in quantum computing. Quantum computing is driving new discoveries in healthcare, energy, environmental systems, smart materials, and beyond.
4 .What is Coding language or programming language. Computers don’t understand the languages we humans speak. So, for you as a human to communicate with computers, you need to learn a coding language, or better put, a programming language. The primary type of code computers understand is binary. Binary consists of only 0s and 1s, with 0 meaning off and 1 meaning on. Computers understand these 0s and 1s because they are made by combing thousands of transistors – solid state off and on switches.
- The 0s of binary tell the transistors to switch off and the 1s tell the transistors to switch on. Combination is called Bit/Bytes (a byte is?a unit of data that is eight binary digits long. A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number or typographic symbol)
- When thousands of these transistors work through the help of binary digits , then you are able to communicate with computers and get them to do something for youth downside of binary is that working with it to switch on and off the thousands of transistors in a computer by hand would take ages.
- Aforesaid in view other low-level and high level programming languages were created to make these tasks easier for programmers.
- Examples of these programming languages are C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, R, Solidity, Python, SQL, and many more.All these programming languages are either low-level or high level.
- The low-level programming languages are closer to binary and take time to get comfortable with. Some examples are C and C++.
- High level languages, on the other hand, are closer to human languages and you can write a considerable amount of them in pure English. They are easier to get started with and are powerful when implemented. Some examples are Python and JavaScript.
- Programming languages are unique in their ways of doing things and what they do primarily. For example, JavaScript is primarily used for programming websites and web applications, PHP is used for making web servers, Python is general purpose and also used for server-side programming, and C++ is closer to machines and so it is used for making computer operating systems and programming machines.
5.?What is Coding Used For? In our day to day lives, coding is everywhere and is used for almost everything. Since coding is used for virtually everything, computer programmers need to specialize in a particular field. Some of the main uses of coding are in web development, mobile app development, database administration, and more.
6. Web Development. Web development deals with the creation of websites and web applications. The professionals who create these websites and web applications are called web developers .In web development, there is frontend development and backend development. Frontend development involves the creation of user interfaces (UIs) with markup languages such as HTML and CSS, and a programming called JavaScript. Those who create these user interfaces are called frontend developers.
- For flexibility, JavaScript is further built upon through the use of libraries and frameworks such as React, Vue, Svelte and Angular.
- Backend development, on the other hand, is the creation of web servers that make the user interfaces (UIs) more interactive. This is done with languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript (through Node JS).
- Those who engage in backend development are called backend developers. A lot of people specialize in either backend or frontend development, while some others are more adventurous, so they do both and are called full stack developers.
7. Mobile Development. Mobile development involves the creation of mobile apps so users can easily access content and services on their phones. The developers who engage in mobile development are called mobile developers. On many occasions, mobile development means taking the content of a website and then modifying it into mobile app form. An example is the free Code Camp mobile app with which you can access free Code Camp learning resources and well written articles on your phone. Examples of programming languages you can use for making mobile apps are Dart (with Flutter), Java, Swift, and JavaScript (with React native).
8. Database Administration. Database administration is the creation and management of databases for storing the huge amounts of data companies need to work with. For example, banks, hospitals, websites, and insurance companies need to keep track of their employees and users and their information, so the best way they can do this is to create databases for those employees and users.An example of a programming language used in database administration is SQL (Structured Query Language).Apart from the 3 uses of coding we've discussed here, coding is used in many other fields like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, computer networking, programming smart TVs and other advanced machines, and many ore. The router you use for internet connection even has some code in it.
9 .How you can Learn to Code. If you want to learn to code, the first thing you should decide is what you want to do with coding. This is because coding is used to do a whole lot of things ?as pointed out in this article. You should specialize instead of attempting to do it all. When you decide what you want to do with coding, then it is time to learn how to code in a particular language. You will be learning some markup and programming languages that go along with the path you’ve chosen.
- If you decide to become a frontend developer, you would need to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a frontend framework like React, Vue, Svelte, Angular.
- If the profession you choose is backend development, you could learn some HTML and then a programming language like PHP, Golang, Ruby, or JavaScript (Node JS)
- If you want to become a data scientist or you want to go into machine learning, then Python would make a great language to learn, along with R once you get more advanced
- If you want to become a seasoned software engineer, you could learn Python and JavaScript, but at a point, you will also need to know some programming languages like C++, Java, and C#
- When you have in mind the language you want to learn, you can then decide to go to college, complete a bootcamp, or teach yourself to code with free (or paid) online resources..
- Many accomplished developers have followed the self-taught, and it's becoming a more and more popular option. If you decide to follow the self-taught path, free Code Camp is an excellent platform to learn how to code.
- The curriculum?has many certificates you can choose from to start your coding journey – on topics ranging from Web Development to Scientific Computing with Python.
- There's also a?helpful forum?where you can ask questions and work through any issues you're having with your code. free CodeCamp's publication?has tons of text-based tutorials that cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Node JS, and Express.
- In addition, the?free CodeCamp YouTube channel?has enough free video courses to make you an accomplished programmer because there are more than 1,200 courses there.
7. Key Take Away. Worthy audience in this article, we talked about what is the metaverse computed data storage pools, the languages involved in coding, and how to learn to coding & use of all of it daily life ,Virtual workplace, innovate healthcare,3& 4 D productivity ,learning & easy approach to self-valued addition & smart bread earning means .
- One thing that has remained a source of debate is the difference between coding and programming. Both words are often used interchangeably, but many developers would argue there’s a difference. Just look at programming as the bigger picture of coding.
- The job opportunities in coding make it a valuable skill to learn. Today, people are earning high salaries every year all because they know how to code. Since coding is used in the everyday human life, there are tons of resources online to learn it.It's up to you whether you want to make the sacrifices needed in order to become an employable programmer ??because coding can be hard to learn and it takes a lot of work to become really good at it. But it depends on your mindset.
- Don’t forget to check out the free Code Camp text-based tutorials, articles, and YouTube channel if you want to learn to code.
Till next Artcle pls wait a bit to make things easier for you.