Get Focus on Force Merch for Dreamforce!

Get Focus on Force Merch for Dreamforce!

A lot of people ask us how they can get our?Exclusive FoF Merch. Here's your chance!

Share your Cert Dreams!?You can get Exclusive FoF Merch by using the hashtag?#FoFCertDreams?on LinkedIn & Facebook!

Mechanics:?Simply tag? Focus on Force ?on a post with the hashtag?#FoFCertDreams, and let us know your 2022 Certification Goals!

Exclusive FoF Swag will be given to the?3 Best Posts?and announced in our October 2022 Newsletter!

TERMS & CONDITIONS *?THIS GIVEAWAY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS: I. For a post to qualify, it should contain the following components: 1) the hashtag #FoFCertDreams, 2) the certification/s you would like to accomplish before the end of 2022, and 3) Focus on Force has to be tagged in the post. II. This giveaway shall run from September 20-October 20, 2022 (US Central). All posts outside of these dates will be disqualified. III. Focus on Force reserves the right to select the three best posts out of all submissions. These three winners will be announced on our October 2022 Newsletter, and will receive FoF merch of their choice. IV. Focus on Force reserves the right to modify or cancel this giveaway at any time without notice.

#salesforcecommunity #salesforceohana #salesforce #dreamforce #dreamforce2022 #dreamforce22 #focusonforce


