Get Events Ready - Make Most out of Attending Events in Dubai,UAE.
We have entered the Most Happening time of the year in #Dubai, UAE, where alot of Events are going to Rain on Us, if you are planning your visit to UAE for Attending Events Like, #Gitex, #Futureinnovationsummit #beautyworld #Metaverse or any other Event please read below :
Here are some helpful tips to help you prepare for attending a professional Event or conference.
1. Pack light
What should you bring to a professional Events & conference? Take the minimum amount of stuff with you. Every Event Provide the Handouts also all Information is available online.
2. Charge your gadgets
If you are going to take notes on a tablet or expect to tweet live from the event using your phone, make sure they have enough power. so you don’t want to be stuck at the charging station when you could be networking!
3. Review the schedule
Research the topics or the speakers. Plan your conference day around the events that you most want to see and be prepared to be flexible about the others. you dont have to sit through the whole Event.
4. Get business card
One important step for preparing for a conference is to get some business cards
Pack business cards to hand out at every (relevant) opportunity, and so you don’t look out of touch when someone asks for yours while giving you theirs. (Now mostly its digital as well but in Big Events Physical Cards does Count as the time is short is agenda is more)
- When you are given a business card, write a description of the person on the back to remind yourself in future
5. Make a hit list
Here’s my top networking tip for attending a conference: prepare a hit list of who you want to meet or spend time with.and Inform them in advance that you ll be seeking them.
6. Wear your badge
Make it easy for people to start a conversation with you. Dont Tie them with your Wrist as people cant see your name and you might miss the prospect.
Have your phone available too so you can snap a picture of the #Relevantnamebadge and then look them up later to connect on LinkedIn.
7. Work through your hit list
You should have made a list of the exhibitors you want to see before you left home. It saves you valuable time when you arrive.
Now’s the time to go and visit the stands of the companies you have highlighted.
Bonus Tip:
If you’ve arranged to meet anyone at the conference, Whatsapp or text them to let them know that you’ve made it and to confirm details. I have sent someone a selfie before so that they knew who they were looking for – event rooms can be quite crowded so make it as easy as possible for someone to find you.