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Matthew Sullivan is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Quantm.One. He is also the Co-founder of a $50 million Secured Real Estate Income Strategies fund, and the President and Co-Founder of Crowdventure, a real estate crowdfunding company. He hosts his own podcast called Hooked On Startups. He worked with Richard Branson’s Corporate Finance Team in the Virgin Group for six years and has quite a story about flying a helicopter. He is the Director and Trustee at the time of Virgin’s London’s Air Ambulance, which is what the helicopter is involved with. He went to school in London and studied law over there and now is here in Southern California.
I like to ask my guests to take us back to their story of origin. You can go back when you were a young lad as you call yourself in London or you can tell about working for Richard Branson, however far you want to go back and take us back on, “Here’s how I got to where I am.”
It’s really a story of the moment that I decided that I was systematically unemployable. I think all of us entrepreneurs have a moment where we go, “This job thing just isn’t going to work for me.” I remember I was a stockbroker at the time. It was a great time. I was a Far East stockbroker so I would go around the world to all of the Far East Tigers or the Asian Tigers as they were known then, which were Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. Every year or twice a year, we would all go in this junket around those countries meeting companies and doing research and just generally having a bit of a wild time. There was a point when I think I was out in either Hong Kong or Thailand when I just thought, “This is great fun but I want to be the person making the decisions and I want to be the person defining the policy. I didn’t just want to sit back and be an agent of execution.” I think I was in my mid-twenties or early twenties at the time.
A couple of years after that, the guys that I was stockbroking with, Tim and Rory McCarthy, they set up their own company and I went along and joined them much more as a partner rather than as an employee as it were. Rory wrote a letter one day to Richard Branson because his office was just around the corner in Kensington and he said, “Dear Richard, we own Lindstrand Balloons and I’ve always wanted to go around the world in a hot air balloon, but I think you would be a much better pilot. How about it?” I remember seeing the letter when it came back because the letter said, “Dear Rory, Why not? Yours, Richard.” It was a very simple response and then at that point onwards, we then ended up building this incredibly complex hot air balloon to try and fly around the world and there began our journey with Richard Branson and Virgin. For the next five to six years, we ended up being best friends with him and working in all sorts of really interesting projects from Virgin Jeans, Virgin Cosmetic, Virgin Clothing, V2 Music, Virgin Executive Jets, Virgin Helicopters and Virgin Bride, the list is endless.
Tell us your James Bond story because I love that. I think that’s a great visual for everybody to get just how bon vivant you are.
I learned to fly a helicopter at one of the companies we set up, which became Virgin Helicopters. At the same time, Express Newspapers Group decided that they’d spent ten years sponsoring the London’s Air Ambulance but they’d come to the end of their run as it were. The sponsorship or the funding of the London’s Air Ambulance was up for grabs and there was this risk that it would have to close down. The person in charge of the Air Ambulance at the time came to see Richard and said, “I think Virgin would be a great idea,” so Richard said, “Yes.” He handed it over to us and we sorted it all out and we put the money together. I ended up being a trustee and one of the directors or the operations director in charge of the whole process.
One of the perks that I used to get every now and then was that I would drive my car in the morning to the place where they park the helicopter at night, and I would get out and go to the crew room with all the other pilots there. I’d put my bright orange pilot suit on and my flashy James Bond with a mirror glass and I’d get in the helicopter. Because I have a license, they let me fly the helicopter under pretty close supervision I can tell you. They let me fly the helicopter to the parking place on top of the Royal London Hospital. I would fly to work and I would land the helicopter and I’d get out and I’d unzip my flight suit. I’d pick up my bag and I’d have my business suit underneath and I just catch the elevator down, hail a taxi, and I go off to work. That was my James Bond and I would do that. I’d do that a few times a year actually. It was pretty cool just flying over London looking at all these people underneath thinking that at that moment, I was Mr. J. Bond.
On your LinkedIn profile, there’s a photo of you with some relatively famous people who happen to reside in I believe it’s Buckingham Palace. Can you tell us how that happened?
We were closing one of the other projects that I was involved with. It was a sustainability campaign so that was going back a few years, not too long ago though, I think post-2008. In Europe, we were quite ahead of the US in terms of sustainability in carbon footprinting and the importance for companies to be able to demonstrate environmental credentials. One of the companies I set up, which is still running today which is called Clearway, was a consultancy that worked with companies to help them reduce their carbon footprint and improve their sustainability. One of the projects that we work very closely with was The Prince’s Trust. The Prince’s Trust was really very much at the forefront of running programs and educating companies. The picture there was we’d put together a program for schools, which was called Eco-Schools. The particular program was designed to try and get kids at a very early age to understand the importance of energy usage and sustainability and how the world doesn’t have infinite resources. That was something that was very close to the Prince’s heart and his charity. The picture there was where we were working very closely with the The Prince’s Trust at that point trying to roll this out to as many schools in the UK as we could.
We fast forward to your latest venture and what’s interesting about that story you told, Matthew, in your youth saying, “I don’t want to just execute something. I want to create it.” You have the same mindset around cryptocurrency. You don’t want to just invest in one, you want to start your own token. Tell us how that came about?
It’s a case of faint signals from the future having seen what happened with the internet back in the late ‘90s. Once or twice, there’s normally once every ten years or so, if you’ve got your feelers up and you’re listening out for these things, then every now and then, you pick up these signals where, “These sounds and feels like the thing that we had ten or twenty years ago.” The internet at that stage had its fair share of naysayers and the people on the sidelines. The guys that got in the early stages and understood the potential with the guys that actually really benefited. Having followed Bitcoin not for too long, probably for less than a year, had people talking about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, it didn’t really resonate. There was a moment when I thought, “There’s something here.” Then you see the price of Bitcoin going through the roof and you think, “I don’t actually want to be involved as a secondary player here because I have no control over this. I’m purely a passenger and completely at the disposal and at the hands of the market.”
That ride is very choppy and very volatile and it’s not enjoyable at all. To all of you investors in Bitcoin and all of the other coins out there, I know what it’s like because every morning you probably wake up and the first thing you do is you look at the price of your Bitcoin or your Ethereum or Litecoin or whatever the coins are. If it’s gone up, you have a great day. If it’s gone down, you start your day with the equivalent of a cold cup of coffee.
It’s so funny you say that because I talk about helping people get off the self-esteem roller coaster really feeling good about themselves if their numbers and their sales are up, and bad about themselves if their numbers are down. We can do the same thing with our investments and you figured out a solution to that.
The real point is how do you build something where you’re in control of it? Where you are able to shape and define the policy rather than having to react to it. What I’ve figured out over the years is that always, the answer that you want is staring you in the face. You’re just trying to look beyond it. You’re trying to look outside of it. Actually, it’s there. It’s a combination of your experience and where you are right now. That’s what you should try and leverage. Having spent a bit of time trying to get out of my own way and figure out what was actually in front of me.
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John Livesay,aka, The Pitch Whisperer, is a keynote speaker to brands and shares lessons learned from his award winning career at Conde Nast. His keynote talk '"Getting To Yes" shows companies' sales teams how to become irresistible so they are magnetic to their ideal clients. After John speaks, the sales team becomes revenue rockstars who form an emotional connection and a compelling brand story with clients.
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