Get in the Driver’s Seat of Your Career with NACM Designations
National Association of Credit Management
NACM is the primary learning, knowledge, networking, and information resource for B2B credit & collections professionals
All opportunities start with education. If you want that big promotion, a raise or more respect in the credit industry, you need a way to show how serious you are about your profession. NACM’s Professional Certification Program is a way for credit managers to elevate their careers and showcase their expertise.
“Earning a designation early on in my credit career showed my dedication to the craft and my desire to learn,” said Kyle P Grose, CCE, CICP , credit manager at Ferguson Enterprises LLC (Indianapolis, IN). He received his CBA within the first 24 to 36 months in credit, with roughly 10 years total to complete all levels up to his CICP. “I progressed up through my career in credit and I will say, employers look at designations.”
You can start your professional journey toward one of NACM’s six designations at any time—whether you are just starting out in the credit field or are a seasoned credit manager. Designations are more than just letters after your name—they provide opportunities to gain roles in higher positions, credibility and the potential to earn a higher salary. An independent study of NACM members revealed those who hold certifications average 6% higher salaries than those who do not.
“Knowledge is power, and this program is so empowering,” said Georgette Bevan, CCE , CGA, president of NACM Business Credit Services (Murray, UT). “When you know more about what you do, you do it with more confidence, you get better results, and you get recognized for doing the right things.”
As an adult, enrolling back into school can be intimidating and hard to balance with a full-time career but it’s an entirely different experience, Bevan said. “One of my favorite classes was Principles of Business Credit because when working in credit and collections and completing the class, it opens a completely new viewpoint of what you’re doing in your job. It makes you more valuable to your company—and it makes your job more fun.”
“One of the most helpful courses was the Financial Statement Analysis II course that led to the CCRA,” said Nick Luzania , CCRA, CCE, credit manager at Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC (Fresno, CA). “Since I didn’t have a vast background with any kind of accounting beforehand, I feel like the course gave me all of the tools I needed to be able to fully evaluate financial statements.”
The process of earning a designation gives you the opportunity to know the why behind what you do. It gives you the tools to dive deeper below the surface of credit, and the value goes beyond education itself. Networking is another benefit within the program. As you learn information and study for exams with other credit professionals, relationship-building skills are formed along the way.
And though there are different levels of certifications, all are equally as important, according to Grose. “For example, if you don’t do international credit, the CICP may not be something that you really need, unless you want to take that extra step,” he added. “You really want to be as well-rounded as you possibly can to make yourself more marketable and valuable to your current or outside companies.”
The most common certification, CBA, presents a broad overview of different functions in the credit world. It takes you back to the basics, and the foundation of each other certification to reach. “A lot of the basics I learned helped me to advance in my career,” said Bevans. “Once I took the CBF, that advanced my knowledge even more, giving me more insight on the laws that apply to various aspects of this job.”
Designation holders add value to credit departments by managing those who are well-rounded in credit as a whole. Employers who earn credentials can eventually help with managing other employees as well, creating more space for leadership in the company. The more knowledge you gain in credit benefits both you and your company as rapid changes occur in the industry. Gaining a better understanding in the business is a mutual win for both.
Getting designations has been a catalyst for so many members to go back and get even more education. Designations provide a steppingstone for countless opportunities. “I’ve seen it do wonderful things for companies as well when they learn how to retain their own profit and become more successful,” said Bevans. “But to watch what it has done for the individual has been the greatest for me.”
Registration with NACM National’s Education Department is the first step, followed by a courses and designation application. Once the application is completed, an NACM Career Roadmap is presented for CBF and CCE certifications.
Credit Business Associate (CBA)
The CBA is an academic-based designation which signals mastery of three business credit related disciplines: basic financial accounting, business credit principles and introductory financial statement analysis. There is no minimum work experience requirement and the NACM Career Roadmap is not required for this designation.
Certified Credit and Risk Analyst (CCRA)
The CCRA is an academic-based designation which signals mastery in the analysis and interpretation of financial statements and the ability to make informed credit risk assessments. There is no minimum work experience requirement and the NACM Career Roadmap is not required for this designation.
Credit Business Fellow (CBF)
The CBF is an academic and participation-based designation which illustrates that achievers are knowledgeable about and have contributed to the field of business credit by first having earned the CBA designation, as well as having completed additional course work. The CBF signals competence in business law and credit law. CBF designation applicants must also accumulate Career Roadmap points.
Certified Credit Executive (CCE)
The CCE is NACM's highest designation that endorses its achievers as capable of managing the credit function at an executive level. Candidates must meet minimum professional and educational standards as well as accumulate Career Roadmap points. Candidates must be proficient in the areas of accounting, finance, domestic and international credit concepts, management and law. CCEs are required to recertify every three years, further signifying their commitment to continuing education, self-improvement and the advancement of the business credit profession.
CCE holders average 9% higher salaries than those without certification.
Certified International Credit Professional (CICP)
FCIB's Certified International Credit Professional (CICP) designation is an academic-based designation earned by successfully completing FCIB's International Credit & Risk Management (ICRM) online course. The instructor-led, in-depth 13-week course is delivered in 12 modules and is designed to educate entry-level professionals as well as senior-level executives about the intricacies of global credit and risk management. This instructor-led international course has attracted participants from more than 25 different countries, with diverse backgrounds and professional experiences. Participants spend an average of 5-7 hours per week on the course. Participation in discussion board postings, "group share" assignments are a required aspect within each unique module.
International Certified Credit Executive (ICCE)
The International Certified Credit Executive (ICCE) designation has been created for international credit and risk analysis professionals who are ready to make an impact on the world stage by excelling beyond their CICP designation. The CICP designation is a prerequisite for those candidates who place a high value on continuing education as a means to securing the information and knowledge necessary to maintain their executive status. ICCEs not only continue to engage in ongoing education, but also participate in their associations by serving on committees, work groups or completing surveys, mentoring through engagement on the FCIB Discussion Board or LinkedIn page or taking a leadership role by serving as a panelist or speaker.
Join the 10,000+ credit professionals who are certified today!