Get Dressed... for SUCCESS !!!
ATIQUE Muhammad - Interventional Process Specialist
help business owners (SME) to *Adopt a suitable Business Model,*Assess & Manage Risk, *Align Strategy with Vision,*Formalize Business & Operational Policies & Processes that add value to the business
Get Dressed…. For Success
The very first time when this thought sparked in my mind and heart that I want to be independent in my career, 26 years ago, I never could imagine the road to success could be so much exciting and mysteriously waiting times to surprise me. Nevertheless, I did break the shackles for a daring risky decision and quit in 2013 the barriers of job security and monthly salary comfort zone. The road ahead was unknown, unseen, and undiscovered since no one around me had traveled this way before, so I had to be my self-guide, explorer, finder, and advisor. The only identifiers with me which I was gratified were Knowledge, Commitment, Dedication, and Perseverance. The missing components were all in the Club of Experience.
Before I go there to list these components, let me just say this statement that outlines success most aptly in my experience….
Success is what you think, say, do & believe in. in case these four are not in harmony or sync within your heart & mind, it's meaningless even to take a single step. In time times of struggle, most likely in the very early stage of your mission, you will feel dejected, demoralized, and blamed (sometimes) for all the failures. And that will be the time your belief in yourself will make you keep doing what you believe in, say & do the best. So keep believing in yourself, keep doing the positive work as you think, and never lose hope & trust.
A purpose is like the essence of your life, the flavor in a recipe, the force that defines your growth and success. This component will prove subsequently to be the backbone of your entrepreneurial career, which will eventually be benchmarked in your professional competition.
Values & Ethics
You must develop certain values based on your belief system, that complement and support your vision and mission. Your team(s) will eventually become merged only when they are aligned with your values. Once everyone is working for the same purpose with the same value system… Growth & Success merely becomes a routine.
Living in the Present
Most of us rely on market studies, feasibilities, projections, and reports normally in any business environment. It is not wrong to always be ready with all the above information, however being in the present, knowing the real-time as on date scenarios and the markets behaviors, people approach and environmental changes will give you the feel of the change in the weather, businesses who keep their vigilance on the current affairs are more receptive to change and agility. Do draw your playing field, and yet stay up to date with the changing rules of the game.
Expect the Least Expected (The Worst)
Its always advisable to be optimistic for the best, prepared for all the risks, and expect the worst. Why?
By doing so you are aiming high, you will reach your goals, you will be prepared for all the risks ahead of time and ready to deal with them head-on. And finally when unexpected comes your way you are ready and steadfast with it. The outcome will not disappoint you and the result will overwhelm your expectation with triumph.
Be Ready to Face the Scars
My disappointment stepping into the entrepreneurial side of my career was that I always saw the grass greener ahead of me and was always walking in the park. Eventually when I started to deal with day-to-day affairs, deal with rejection, disappointments, and failures, I realized the garden I walked in has started fading. I was not ready for the tough roads ahead to face the scars directly on my face front …
It took a while for me to realize that the garden will be rosy when I absorb the scars and heal them with self-commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Not everyone is born with the silver spoon in his mouth, some have to work much harder for a plastic one even…. So be ready to face the scars face front, many times in your career until you have developed your protection fields.
Agility and Timely Decision making
Data-driven Analysis and agile decision-making are essential for growth and development. Any entrepreneur needs to have the ability to take a timely and factual decision in strategy and execution. Understanding the present scenarios and reliable numbers has always provided strong grounds for businesses to pivot the changes and capture the advantage in the market.
Celebration Time
Get dressed … for Success!!!
My first opportunity to take my first decision without influence was when I was almost ended my teens, I decided to join an institution for studies purely on my own choice. I enjoyed the best of my years in that institution, learned a new language, chose the subject line I liked, had a friend of my choice, and unfriended a few as well (wink)… and then it was a lifelong experience of knowing your challenges, fighting for the survival, handling your matters, learning from failures and succeeding in those mini battles in life. Never had any experience of being in a different culture, people, and an environment not so favorable, was never a shining start nevertheless I emerged successfully.
When life throws a challenge at you, face it upfront, understand, learn, strategize, plan, and execute with purpose, commitment, dedication & perseverance… believe it, you can never regret, success is inevitable.