Get the conversation started
When tough times come we have to do the very things that we often don’t want to do.
We want to hide and wait until things blow over, but actually we need to get on and do the opposite. In tough times, rather than hiding, we need to start more conversations.
This week, in our regular catch up with the networking team at Introbiz, talking was our topic of conversation!
Its a proven fact that the more conversations you have, the better the chances you will have of conversions and collaborations.
Creating a pipeline for your business means meeting new people and starting conversations with them. It will probably take a significant time investment and talking to strangers can be uncomfortable, but one of those conversations could literally change the course of your life.
Today, more than ever before, there are so many ways to strike up a conversation. I’m sure we all have our preferences, but here are a few to get you out of the blocks and bouncing back for the better!
Blogging is great as it enables you as a business owner to communicate with your customer base and establish your tone of voice. Blogging can help you build your personal brand and it’s a great way to share your experience and insights. Here you scan say the things that you don’t have time to enlarge on over Zoom.
Take your blogs and send them to your email list. It is important to keep people updated regularly and in doing so, give them value. Email is one of the oldest digital technologies and while people have suggested that it will die off with chat, email remains one of the most frequently used communication tools. The advantage of email is that it can be stored and saved for future reference (using smart folders) and also used within a CRM (content management system) allowing the sender to track those who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.
Taking that blog content and putting it on LinkedIn through LinkedIn Newsletters is a great thing. Setting your LinkedIn profile to creator mode allows you to reach your LinkedIn database of followers and connections. Using this tool is an exceptional way of getting reach with the same content. Then use LinkedIn posts as a way of inviting people to join your Newsletter. Within that newsletter you can create links to other articles and promote other streams of content by creating banners that signpost people (like newsletters of old).
Social feeds.
The point of social media is to be social. When the chat explodes and you get fun and engaging content you’ll get people talking even more! For example, a picture with an amusing caption, posted last week from the Introbiz Bristol launch, took off on social media over a lazy weekend morning. The surrounding good humoured banter has now given the relationships which started at the networking event a deeper connection.
Direct messaging.
Trying to sell to me by sliding into my DM’s when zero time has been invested is actually one of my pet hates. As in ‘cold selling’. People who have never spoke to me before and then ask to redesign my website. If they had researched well and used a friendly tone, that might (occasionally) get my attention. I think that DM’s are a strong 2nd or 3rd tool in interaction. LinkedIn messenger I would be my goto tool when talking with prospects and those who I want to collaborate with. For instance if we’ve met at an event, LinkedIn would be a well accepted strategy for follow up.
Face to face (online).
Wait for it, we are building up to the real face to face, but going online and meeting in groups is a great way of meeting clients from all over the world. During the pandemic, online experiences were everything. We saw our membership go to a new level at Introbiz as I got to speak to legends like Sharon Lechter (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Les Brown, Jordon Belfort (aka The Wolf of Wall Street – he was very interesting), and even in a small Zoom room with Richard Branson, Djokovic and Chevy Chase, discussing the Necker Cup.
Voice to Voice.
Clubhouse connected me with many people in its early days until it got filled with sales sharks looking to sell and not show. What happened for me was that it became the foundation my first book – The Crisis Catalyst. I was in a room with my good friend Camilita Nutall and during the conversation she rallied people to help me map out the chapters! Today, besides Clubhouse there are other audio only tools and LinkedIn Audio is about to take off!
Face to Face.
Last week, we launched Introbiz Bristol and connecting with everyone was so much fun. It seemed that, having been denied these kind of meet ups for so long in recent times, we all seemed to appreciate it far, far more. The face to face networking scene is making a comeback and in 2023 Introbiz Bristol are launching our Expo (Thursday 14th September) at Bristol Aerospace Centre (where Concorde lives). Our next event is at The Village Hotel on Thursday 24th November 4-6pm where you can experience it for yourself!
The best place to be on film and relax. The Purpose People Podcast has received some great feedback of late. Having a conversation filmed you can get into another one with people who have watched it. Telling stories is one of my favourite things and my absolute favourite is linking it to people discovering purpose! Podcasts create great content as smaller clips to share on social, while giving people the deeper insights of why you do what you do! Authenticity is the electricity of brand and podcasts allow you to hold conversations around your subject.
Authenticity is the electricity of brand and podcasts allow you to hold conversations around your subject.
It has been said that everyone has a book in them and that is 100% true. If you blog regularly, making the next step to writing a book might be closer than you think. The secret strategy I learned turned my rather inexpert command of the English language around. With the help of my exceptional, editing wife I even managed to write my own book. Books help establish your authority and give people confidence in you. It’s a perfect tool to take with you on the public speaking circuit, if you are brave enough!
It is said that some people fear public speaking more than dying! I don’t know about that, but public speaking is a skill that improves with practice. The better you know your subject, the deeper the levels of confidence you will have. Start small. Speak at a networking event, get interviewed on other people’s podcasts. If you are a business owner, entrepreneur or leader, I believe speaking should be a priority for you.
On that note, if you want me to speak at your event, send an enquiry here ( and we can talk more.
Conversations come in many forms, from a crowd in a room to a crowd on zoom, or from the pages of a book to a chat over coffee.
In these troubled times its good to talk, so don’t give up and go silent! Keep engaging in the right conversations and watch as your words open up new worlds!!
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