Get control of your supply chain
During Covid-19 some countries re-established border controls. It created very long queues of trucks. I spoke to an economist about this situation and asked him if this couldn’t spark nationalistic tendencies, such as step away from Schengen. His answer was “that cannot happen, because they need us as much as we need them”. It presumes all parties of international trade behave rationally and put trade and balance above all.
When it became obvious that inflation is out of control and part of the reason were disrupted supply chains, it was red flag. Producers stopped production because they missed one or few key components that were stucked in Ever Given ship, or in quarantined port in China or other reasons. All leading to supply delays and costs increases. Surprising reaction of supply managers was “we wait until situation gets back to normal”.
Europe has believed for long, that Russia will be reasonable, because they need our euros. Have we learned enough in the last 2 years, that stability, balance and trade relationships aren’t priority for many actors in world trade? Economists say, that European supply resilience is impossible, because it would be too expensive and take too long. Yes, exactly. Therefore we should start immediately.
We need short-term and long term steps
Yes, this will take years, or even decades, but there is nothing worse than being unable to control our supply chain.