Get better at giving lessons
There are a limited number of spaces available in this summer’s SECOND CHANCE at the FI? PRACTICUM (SCFIP), an adjunct program of the fifth Amsterdam International Feldenkrais? Teacher Training. Whether you’re a Feldenkrais trainee looking to make up missed days, a new graduate seeking more training, or an experienced teacher ready for a deeper understanding this one is for you.
You’ll get past practicing giving first lessons by participating in our groundbreaking approach to the Functional Integration? practicum, where the same volunteer student come for three FIs in a row. This innovative approach is the key to learning how learning happens over time and becoming a better Functional Integrator.
You’ll get to work directly with Feldenkrais trainer Larry Goldfarb, Ph.D., educational director of Amsterdam V, and the program’s co-director, assistant trainer Caro van Iersel, P.T. Larry and Caro have been training new generations of effective Feldenkrais teachers since the first Amsterdam training, more than twenty years ago. Your tuition includes a personal Functional Integration? lesson with one of them, an online video interview before the segment to discuss your learning goals with Larry, weekly meetings with him and the other participants, and online access to the audio and video recordings of the three weeks of the program.
That’s not all. You will also have ample opportunity to work on becoming a better Awareness Through Movement? teacher, enhance your verbal communication skills, and formulate a professional practice that fits your values and realizes your dreams.
SCFIP runs from 15 August to 3 September 2019
Friday to Sunday from 1:30 PM until 7:30 PM,
Monday from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM, and
Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
We will be meeting at de Ruimte, Weesperzijde 79a, 1091 EJ Amsterdam
To apply, complete and submit the short, simple, and sweet online application. Start by clicking here. Please let us know if you have questions or if you’d like to set up a phone or video call with Larry to find out if this program is right for you.
+ 1 831 459-8173