Get Balance...!
Bhaviik Kumar ??
Business Management Consultant @ Elyn ? Change Management Expert ? I help CEOs & Founders ?? Boost Operational Productivity and Organizational Effectiveness ? Career Positioning Coach ?
Shown here is a diagram called the 'Wheel of Life'. It is a tool, for measuring how balanced your life is.
For each category, give a mark from one to five as how satisfied you are with its time allocation. Use one for unacceptable, two for very dissatisfied (which can mean too little time or too much time), three for dissatisfied, four for satisfied, and five for very satisfied.
Change the categories if they do not match your goals and mission statement. Measure quality time, not just time.
Draw in your 'Wheel of Life' by joining up the rankings you assign and see how misshapen it is. If it is too irregular, then write down your plans for removing the bumps and gaining the balance you want. Monitor your progress against your plans and repeat the exercise in three months' time.
Get a balance between getting a balance in your life and just talking about it!
Watch the Diagram again, get started now....