Now that we know the government is changing I am wondering about the Got-aways. Not the ones that made it over the fences and rivers to get into America. Those numbers are unknown and the government guesses at what the number is. Of course, the government's number is going to be much less than the reality. But the got-aways I'm talking about are already here. They're inside the government. They've been there the whole time except they haven't been "caught" and prosecuted for their crimes. Those are the got-aways that I'm wondering about. Let's see who's who and what's what and why.
Got-away Number One
The anointed son of the President is probably one of the first got-aways that came across the radar. He skipped out on a couple of million dollars in taxes owed on ill-gotten gains. Not only did he get the ill-gotten gains, but he got to thumb his nose at the IRS. Then he got a heads-up when the FBI was going to raid his storage unit stash house and a complete pass on all the stuff on his laptop. Buying hookers and transporting them across state lines for purposes of sticking his dick in them. I think that's supposed to be against the law too. Drugs, hookers, bribes from foreign governments, and not a scratch on the guy. Not bad for a loser that screws his dead brother's widow while also screwing a stripper.
I still don't understand how this woman is free to walk among decent people. She started the whole Russiagate disaster. She hacked into Trump's 2016 campaign computers. She sold half of America's interest in a Uranium mine to the Russians about a week before the Clinton Foundation received a "donation" of $140 million. She lied about Benghazi to the American people. I mean, how much more damage can you do to a nation and skate free? It's funny, but as soon as she stopped being the United States Secretary of State, the donations to the Clinton Foundation dried up. Hmmmmm? You don't think that was a "Pay-for-Pay" scheme, do you? Still, this abomination can scream and shout about what an abomination conservatives are and how THEY are the threat to democracy. You can't make this stuff up.
The current invasion of America, which is the largest single invasion of any country on the planet in history, has been administrated over by the biggest buffoon on the planet. Just looking at this clown makes you want to punch him out with his smug dork smirk and incessant lies. Oh yeah, the border is secure. Oh yeah, there's no problem here. And now we have to clean up the mess he and Biden and Harris created. Who's going to pay for it? Not Mayorkas. No, he's going to skate off into history as the stupidest man to ever work for the US Government. He should go to prison for the rest of his life. He knows it, America knows it, and the world knows it.
Merrick Garland is the personification of blind allegiance. Everyone said how smart and capable he was supposed to be. He was going to be a Supreme Court Justice. What he became was a Supreme embarrassment to the legal community and the office of Attorney General. Don't kid yourself for one second when Garland says he didn't know anything about what was happening in the DOJ. He knew it all and sanctioned it all. The Mar-a-Lago raid, the protestors in front of the Supreme Court Justice's homes, going after Catholics, the FISA Court lies and deception. Yeah, he knew about all of it and authorized everything himself. He's a snake and should be wearing prison orange, not a suit and tie.
There's nobody more culpable, more immoral, and more disgusting than Joe Biden himself. A worthless old hack politician who was stupid enough to become Obama's puppet for 4 years. I still don't care about what anyone else says. The 2020 election was rigged, but it turns out that all the pain and suffering that came about as a result of that election wasn't for nothing. America woke up to the "woke" agenda and its nonsense. Oh yeah, men can be women just by dressing like women. And teaching sex education and CRT to third graders is a great idea. And then there's all the DEI garbage that has to be cleaned out of government. This jerk-off acted like he was President all the while knowing he was just a tool. Nothing made that more clear than his TV meltdown. He was even charged with breaking the law by taking National Security secret documents home with him to use in a book but was deemed too stupid, decrepit, and unstable to prosecute. Oh, c'mon!
Xi Jinping
This guy killed 1,000,000 Americans and we are still dying from his disease. His government took US money and did the ultimate payback. He gave us a never-ending virus, tore down our economy, and got his buddy Joe Biden. We have more Chinese spies in America than ever before. They even set up their own Chinese Police Stations to keep track of their agents and get information from them. Millions of businesses went out of business (mine included) and the government had to shell out money just to keep its citizens from starving. Why don't we send old Xi a bill for, oh say, $20 Trillion for causing all the problems. That would wipe out our debt with China, reduce our outgoing interest payments, and put China in its place for starting a worldwide pandemic.
He's the King of the Criminals. The man who has been trying to take over American society for the last 25 years. This goofball has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to skew the American legal system into some kind of reverse justice world where prosecutors don't prosecute and criminals don't go to jail but are let back out into society to cause more harm and mayhem. Soros-backed politicians, prosecutors, judges, sheriffs, election officials, and other miscreants have turned America into the Land of the Bleed. The idea is to invade America with so many illegal aliens that all America's resources are spent dealing with the illegals and there's nothing left for the citizens. Then, when chaos and anarchy break out due to a lack of food, fuel, water, and energy, Soros will step in with his Open Society Foundation and save us all. The dude needs to be put in a nuthouse or prison. Either one will do nicely.
Post Office Wall
Every single one of the above criminals should have their picture posted on the wall of the Post Office. Remember the days when the Top Ten Most Wanted had their mugshots on the wall? I do. Since all of them were involved to one degree or another in the attempted annihilation of Donald Trump as a Presidential candidate in 2024 they all should be hung together. Wouldn't that be a great photo op? All of them standing there in a police line-up looking dejected and guilty? It would be sweet justice for all them trying to bankrupt, jail, and destroy Donald Trump and his family. One thing I know for sure; there may not be any revenge from Donald Trump for what they all did to him and America. However, there will be "accountability" and that's where they all are scared right now. Scared to death because they know that the tables have completely turned on them. They aren't in charge anymore and they never expected that to happen. You can tell by how far they've gone with their "woke" agenda. They never expected it all to end. They thought they would just keep going until the country was destroyed. Now it is time for accountability, swift and sure. I hope Trump doesn't let them get away.