Get Away Jordan by Dr. Anton Dormer

I wrote a poem called, “Get Away Jordan” many years ago after I was stopped by a racist Massachusetts state trooper. Being taught by my Black mother how to respond to the police I started to open my mouth to state what I have rehearsed since childhood to say in such a situation, “Officer how can I help you.” and to say it in the most melodious voice. However, even before I could open my mouth he started screaming at me. Give me your driver’s license! Give me your registration now! He started counting down as if I was a little child not understanding the command even though at that time I was a professor and was dressed with a tie. This tirade continued for a minute. Then this red faced police were so enraged that he put his hand into my car, released my car seat, and then proceeded to open my car door. Even though I said nothing during this tirade, I saw my life flash before me for if he touched me I could be dead and my then 12-year-old son who was in the car with me could be without a father. Once the door opened I threw myself face down on the street and placed my hand behind my back so that there would be no struggle so that I could live. I still cannot believe that I was arrested and would spend time in jail for a traffic stop. I will share more details in a TED talk later in the year.?

?My son blamed me for many years for that traumatic experience until he became more aware of his place as an adult in the world as a black man. He now realizes that if I would have moved to get my license from my back pocket or have reached to get my car’s registration I would have been shot dead by a cop out of control. How does a black man recover from being arrested as a black man driving? How does a black boy recover from seeing his father arrested at a traffic stop??

In fear of the police, I place my registration over my sunshade and make sure that I have my driver’s license out even before they arrive to my window. I have taught my three Black sons to do the same. In business, eye contact shows confidence in our American culture. I do not look into the police's eyes. This action is equivalent to dog keeping his tale between his leg so to show submission. Why does a Black man who have worked with million have to behave in such a manner in order to ensure that he can get home to his wife and kids in today’s America? There is something wrong. ?

Even so, hate plus hate only leads to more hate. Hate directed to someone in which the directed hate does nothing, means nothing to that person leads to self-hate and the lashing out to oneself and to others within the community. For example, because medical research has been used so callously collectively to communities of color they distrust the healthcare industry and medical research permeates. Such collective trauma, such as was manifested within the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, have skewed health disparities.

?Self-love is the only answer to hate. My son is presently being a lawyer, partly motivated by this traumatic experience to go forth to help others legally. Unfortunately, the most racist of all institutions remains the legal system within the United States and there is an implicit bias against Black men. How do I address the anger that I have? Martin Luther King said it best, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

I have come to the conclusion and this is my quote that I state when I do my motivational speaking, “A community that is waiting for another community to solve their problem that is self-solvable, even if that other community has caused the problem, only adds to the problem.” What one can do within their sphere of influence to make their environment better, do, and not wait for anyone’s apology. Quote 2 of mine; “Any community that is waiting for another community to love them as themselves will only find that such a mindset will lead to that community’s self-hatred.” Only self-love can conquer hate. No one will respect you if you do not first respect yourself and one’s self-respect and respect for others are not dependent on whether others respect you.??

On July 17, 2014,?Eric Garner, a 43-year-old African-American man, was killed in the New York City borough of Staten Island. Of all of the unfair death of unarmed black men, even before George Floyd,??Eric Garner is still resonate with me. I cannot watch that video until the end. I am in pain and tears. Why? He is me. Just minding my business trying to make my way in the world. All he needed was to have his item that was selling to make a living taking and a ticket. Instead he paid for trying, even though he did have his challenges, like we all do, with his life.?

What do I do with that anger? I started PepVax, Inc., I started Immage Biotherapeutics, Inc. I started Navintus, Inc. I started BioLabShare, LLC with a team of likeminded individuals desiring to do their best. I will counter evil with good. This one reason why I do not understand my community. When those things happen there is no internal change. The self-hate continues. The internal crime rate does not decrease, the high school dropout does not decrease, children having children does not decrease so on and so forth. There is nothing wrong in being angry, but anger that leads to internal hate does more damage than external hate. A window has two sides. As one works to have the window externally cleared by those looking into our community, our community must also do what we can to make the changes we can and clear the inside of the window. Maybe then and only then there can be a true conciliation where we see each as who we are: human being that are related with given unalienable rights. Even so, I will not wait for anyone to distract me from doing my best. I am positive change in the here and now and I am asking you all to join me. Thank you. PS - Please view my video and let us move from looking from mountaintop to crossing over to the promised land. My video poem rendition, "Get Away Jordan” in celebration of Martin Luther King's Day.


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