Get the 360 on Black Friday.
If you’re thinking of hitting the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales in the upcoming weeks. Here’s a few things that I’d like to share with you, to give you a 360 degree view and some valuable advice.
Owing to Covid-19, this year is going to be slightly different, with many large retailers already issuing pre Black Friday deals and with the intention to extend shopping to up to 2 weeks after the big day - that being 27 November and 30 November.
What is Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
Black Friday and Cyber Monday is an annual sales event that takes place at the end of November and marks the beginning of the holiday season. It’s also known as the biggest shopping holidays of the year.
Big retailers start sending out ‘not to be missed’ Pre-Black Friday deals in the weeks leading up to the big day, with the biggest discount deals taking place on the day. Pretty clever marketing if you think about it, get everyone hyped up before the ‘so called’ big push, stimulating ‘FOMO’ Fear of Missing Out purchases, at well almost the same price. Giving retailers and businesses the opportunity to also rid themselves of stock.
This is by no means a stab at retailers, business owners or the Black Friday and Cyber Monday movement. I do think that it's important to arm yourselves ahead of rush purchases.
What should you take note of?
If you have to buy it on credit - you may want to skip this year's festivities, now is not the time to be raking up additional debt.
Check the ‘deal’ price - on occasion these prices have not been reduced by much and are deals that are run throughout the year - so consider doing a quick history check on the items you’re looking to purchase.
Delivery times can stretch out up to 2 - 3 weeks after purchase - so if it’s something urgent then are you prepared to wait for it, especially if you’re gifting it?
There will be many deals and tempting offers, remember though that deals will be available all the way leading up to the end of the year, so be frugal about your purchases, ‘nice to haves’ are not ‘have to haves’.
If you’ve been an avid loyalty program member and banked your bucks, then choose stores that will allow you to make use of these, for example eBucks, UCount rewards, Clicks and the likes.
How long will Black Friday last?
This year we are seeing Black Friday stretch over the last two weeks in November and even up to the first two weeks in December. This is as a direct result of the pandemic and allowing customers to purchase online, as well as allowing a steady flow of foot traffic in stores.
What should you buy on Black Friday?
Black Friday takes place just before the holiday season, and gives a great opportunity to save on holiday gifts. Go in knowing what you’re wanting to buy so that you’re less likely to be ripped off or to spend money on things you don’t actually need. Have a list and a plan of action, check your bank balance and apportion your budget accordingly.
The top items you should look to buy - only if they’re needed are:
- TVs
- Kitchen and small household appliances
- Gaming and video consoles
- Smart home devices
- Smart phones
The most notable deals from local retailers can be found in the article from - Business Tech - Here are the early Black Friday deals in South Africa – including Game, Makro and Takealot
Make calculated decisions, plan ahead of time and do your homework. Ask yourself will it add value to my life or take away from it?