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The question that is not addressed is whether the 2.5 quadrillion derivative market will implode as Germany today is sucked into its black financial hole taking the entire world financial system down with it as a trigger to world depression as in the 1929-1933 period. I have not seen one attempt to quantify the risk with real numbers. I discussed this from that angle once of the Straits of Hormuz being closed in the next link which can be used an an analogy to the black financial hole that the Germans are digging for themselves.
I was able in 1979 to create a foundation for the US financial system for about forty years by writing the Volcker Plan which Paul Volcker was ordered by us to implement. The part that I did not address was the 2.5 quadrillion derivative structure (though estimated by the BIS at 600 trillion) and we were faced in 1987 with the cash settlement manipulations that led the market up and then down when it went out of control. I was brought in to solve that crisis which took me a few hours, and we simply ordered the cartel firms to reverse rig cash settlement which worked.?They had earlier forced the market up by the rig but on the way down it was rigged but went out of control.?The cartel had made their profit and did not want to risk trying a reverse rig. They were given no choice but ordered to risk their capital. No cartel member was allowed to disobey. They used my technique in 2008 but it was not managed well by others and required 29 trillion dollars of created credit based on hesitation. Here is a case where he who hesitates is lost. Under my personal supervision there was hardly a ripple in 1987. The manipulations of the market never ceased and trillions were made out of these rigs over these many years.
Footnote one:
The Federal Reserve Balance sheet from 2008 of less than a trillion dollars to today reflects 9 trillion in created credit or an eight trillion dollar growth in 14 years. In the period from 1914 to 2008 the credit created was less than a trillion dollars for nearly a hundred years. In the 2008 period of the great liquidity crisis the balance sheet went from under a trillion dollars to two trillion according to the records which were false.?Actually it was 29.6 trillion of balance sheet money creation that is explained below.
All the Federal Reserve did was follow J. W. von Goethe’s analysis of the central bank system in one sentence:
“I am fed up with this endless how and when, if there is no money let us make it then.” (Faust Part II).
In the following study it says that the Fed used 29,616.4 trillion dollars in credit in 2008 in various created instruments to save the system.