Vladimir Vinogradov
WOGNEWS.NET, Global Energy Market Climate Changes News. Новости мирового энергетического рынка, изменений климата.
In addition, Germany will look into all options in response to the likely decrease or stop in Russian fossil fuel deliveries to Germany, including a longer run-time of nuclear and coal-fired power plants, even if those options are unlikely. The last remaining nuclear power plants in Germany are scheduled to be decommissioned by the end of 2022. The country has set a legal date for phasing out coal power by 2038, which could be accelerated to 2030 if possible. Moreover, Germany has relaunched plans to build two liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminals, one in Brunsbuettel and one in Wilhelmshaven. The regasification project in Brunsbuettel is developed by a consortium of Gasunie, Oiltanking and Vopak and would have an initial capacity of 8 bcm/year. The Wilhelmshaven project, promoted by Uniper, was initially expected to have a capacity of 10 bcm/year (cancelled in early 2021).